Is writting something on the Late Dr.vergheese Kurien a crime?



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Dear friends!

I wrote a blog in this forum of course in the other thread on the demise of Dr.Kurien on 10th and there was a reply from a junior member namely V.Mathews too.
I was shocked to see the disappearance of the thread the next day itself forcing me to write this one in order to let the people of this country know how sincere we are even while paying homage to a stalwart like Dr.Kurien.
I fail to understand how that post is erased and shamelessly a dis respect to such a great man and that too in a forum like this.

I strongly condemn those who did this cowardly act and seek an apology immediately and edit the post again if at all there is any justice in this website.

I am pained to see this development and not interested in continuing my membership in this forum if there is no action taken.

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Dr kurian is a legend not only for dairy

dear badrinath sir,Dr kurian is not only a legend for dairy,he is also a stalvert for all our indian farmers making dairy a livelyhood.He is a silent hero in the minds of poor farmers of india though most of them don't know him, their well wishes and gratitude will be on his family for ever.BHARAT MATHA WILL NEVER FOR GET HIM.

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dear badrinath sir,Dr kurian is not only a legend for dairy,he is also a stalvert for all our indian farmers making dairy a livelyhood.He is a silent hero in the minds of poor farmers of india though most of them don't know him, their well wishes and gratitude will be on his family for ever.BHARAT MATHA WILL NEVER FOR GET HIM.
The deleted posts be immediately pasted here and that will be a great sign of gesture not to me but to the departed soul of Dr.Kurien.

I pointed out how he developed AMUL and the way he was ousted from the Gujarat Union of Millk federation.

It was my duty to expose the importance of great people like Dr.Kurien who is nothing short of Modi and company.

If this was a mistake and the moderator might thought of deleting my post I believe.
Its a shameful act whoever have done this editing particularly when you look into the stature of Dr.Kurien and his contributions to the whole country as a humble engineer.

I will continue to remind this to readers in this forum to seek a sincere action from the editorial team against those who humillaited me.


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Is writting something...........

Thank you Mr.Murali and good to read your reply.

I hope and expect more comments from viewers and in the meantime the editorial team should re edit the post that was eliminated immediately.

I will continue to remind this.


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Kurian and Pseudo Farmers around us

Dear k1jatrophaoils, (who posted the original blog)
There were people who tried to destroy the serene nature of our country and still there, as they say development, and inject Urbanization and Industrialization, as only way of development. These pseudo farmers are here too, they support all anti natural things, those people cannot accept the basic , fundamental , grass root development of India, they want money , immediate money, vast development, call foreign partners for development, they played wisely. If you listen the comment of Deputy chairman of Planning Commission, Mr. Aluwalia, He said in "Kerala does not need paddy field for development, what the hell he knows about paddy and Kerala, such planning idiots sitting on our top, can we expect something....???? paddy and agriculture is a way of life, our cultural economics, not the currency economics.

Kurian will be remebered always by Indians, not by those Indians they still try to feed Western thoughts to us and says they are Indians...
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Is writting.....

Dear k1jatrophaoils, (who posted the original blog)
There were people who tried to destroy the serene nature of our country and still there, as they say development, and inject Urbanization and Industrialization, as only way of development. These pseudo farmers are here too, they support all anti natural things, those people cannot accept the basic , fundamental , grass root development of India, they want money , immediate money, vast development, call foreign partners for development, they played wisely. If you listen the comment of Deputy chairman of Planning Commission, Mr. Aluwalia, He said in "Kerala does not need paddy field for development, what the hell he knows about paddy and Kerala, such planning idiots sitting on our top, can we expect something....???? paddy and agriculture is a way of life, our cultural economics, not the currency economics.

Kurian will be remebered always by Indians, not by those Indians they still try to feed Western thoughts to us and says they are Indians...
Its good to see few readers who agrees with my humble posting on Dr.Kurien but its very sad that my original posting is yet to be re edited here again in spite of my request to this forum editor.

I wish they do it.


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Dr. Kurien is a Legend. He dedicated his life for the development of the society. Gujarat is supposed to be one of the states with Highest per capita income. The whole cycle in this diary farming brought about visible changes to the state & the country & made India the topmost producer of Milk & Milk products. We may find Synthetic milk in UP or MP but never in Punjab & Gujarat. This was mainly because he valued the farmer & respected their profession. His success could not be digested by the political class, so there was the banging on the walls. Actually he could have gracefully retired & rested on the laurels he earned for the common farmer. great Soul to be remembered by everyone.

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Is writting .....

Kerala paddy fields are drying away because malayalis(keralites) hate working in their own fields. They are looking for Tamilians,Biharis,Nepalis,Hindiwalas to slog in their fields. Unless you stop your ego, nobody can help you. May i ask you here one question? Why are keralites looking for vegetables and rice from Tamilnadu/Karnataka? Don't we have land here? We are gifted with rainfall and rivers, lakes etc. But still we look towards other states for all essential things. It’s our duty to change. Please don't pelt stones sitting in a glass cabin. Now we are one of the best resources beating many other states on IT sector. We can attain same status on agriculture but are you ready to work in your own state?
Industries get closed. Why? Nobody even Keralites are scared to start an industry here.Why? Find an answer to these questions first and then dig on somebody else!!
I am really not happy to see this type of reaction just deviating from the original topic to remember Dr.Kurien and its un wanted.He spent most of his time in Gujarat but the whole nation got the benefits one can not deny. Yes! He should have been utilised properly in many other states including Kerala to find a comprehensive solution for various issues.

Let us hope and work towards building a movement on his concepts.
I wish and request members to share their valid thoughts on this line.


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The Great Honourable Late Dr. Kurien

Deat Shri.Badrinathji,
Do not feel bad about what ever things happened with you. Dr. Kurien was a great legend any body accepts it or not. And he is going to remain in our memory and hearts for his exceptional work for the betterment of poor Indian farmers, nothing is going erase that. But we should keep protesting the bad habit.sumeet

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Is writting...

No not at all.
I am sure none can forget him nor damage his hard works.

Its his good efforts that people in India could come across variety of products branded Amul almost milk made and one important development is the use of coconut oil in Amul ice cream.

Its true that he will be ever remembered as long as Milk exists in this country.
I have seen many people talking on Dairy and Dairy development but he is the one who was capable of providing us a road map for many centuries.

He was a extra ordinary person in this 21st century.


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Do not expect more from people ??????.

Its good to see few readers who agrees with my humble posting on Dr.Kurien but its very sad that my original posting is yet to be re edited here again in spite of my request to this forum editor.

I wish they do it.


U MAY B GOOD ,.BUT V Indians like and love the way Central Govt functioning in recent issues,.Hence DR .KURIEN ,.is not known to them,.ok,.fine.

So please do not expect more from people,.
and Do concentrate in ur own constractive work,.not to worry about these peoples.,


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