Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Importance of Herd Management Software for Dairy Farms


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It is very important today to track and analyze information about the herd in a dairy farm. Dairy farmers need to have current and correct information in order to have business decisions. Additionally, accurate record keeping of cattle welfare, milking efficiency, feeding and breeding becoming more important. All these with the help of the technology can now be tracked with the help of software. These software programmes can be found in the market offered by different companies.

The advantage of the herd management system is that they save time with keeping the record thorough computers instead of manual recording. Additionally, these records can be tracked with mobile after loading them into the computer.

With the help of these, analyzing and reporting phases of dairy management become much more easier. In these systems reliable sensors are used to track cattle measurements like temperature, blood, weight and feeding. To take an action against an emergent situation about the cattle can be done faster by this way. All needed information like the number of the cattle, its photo, milking productivity, fat and proteins in the milk, feeding style can tracked and recorded.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
