HF Cows for sale in Cochin



New Member
We have setup a new model dairy farm in Cochin and have a good collection of high yield HF cows for sale under the guidance and supervision of experts in the field.
This can be an ideal place for existing farmers and people who wish to start new dairy farms to select HF cows.
For more information please contact
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I am a keralite is interested to set up a small dairy farm. Could you please send me the details of cow and the price. We are planning 10 cow farm but we do not buy all at a time first we buy 2 nos. after 3 months another 2 nos this is our planning. Please send the reply to my mail:

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interested in buying cows

We have setup a new model dairy farm in Cochin and have a good collection of high yield HF cows for sale under the guidance and supervision of experts in the field.
This can be an ideal place for existing farmers and people who wish to start new dairy farms to select HF cows.
For more information please contact
Dear Sir,
kindly let me know more details as I am going to start a new dairy farm in T.N.near palani.
please email me details
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Last week i was in cochin looking for like-minded people who are in Dairy Farming.

Please call me - Joseph
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I am intrested in buying your cows as i already have a dairy farm, please give me detaisl of the 10 cows like the lactation no of each cow, age, are they calved or pregnant etc..
you can mail me form coimbatore.
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