Govt Subsidy and finacial help for medicinal plantation.....

It is our good luck that we are rich in the natural resources. We have a large range of the medicinal plants species. Another important aspect is that we have a well established medicine system in by NAME of Aurveda. We knwo the property of these plants. Our RISHI-MUNI did a lot of hard work in compiling this knowledge in the form of the GRANTH.

Last four-five decade we put this knowledge at a side and started to follow the Alopathy. The Alopathy system has a lot of sideeffect. The system is killing the people instead of the curing.

Now the time has come to adopt our medicine system. Now western country has stareted to recognize our system. That why there is huge demand of the medicinal herbs. Not a single Kg of Herb go in wastage. All the herbs is being consumed.

Our govt is also providing a lot of financial assistance for the medicinal plantation.

We can provideyou complete project report for the medicinal plantation and the help provided by the central govt and state to my private mail box. Please send me full query and planning with your full contact detail with email id to my private box. Our representative will contact you soon....

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