Goat Farm Solutions



New Member
Goat Farm- Beginner Questions-Need suggestions from experienced hands!!!

I am based out of Sathyamangalam area in erode, Tamilnadu. We have 7 acres of fertile land and we are planning a small goat farm on a trial basis. We have enough water and land. But, labour is the only problem. I already have experience in a small scale dairy unit by growing C0-4, Co-3 etc. So, I have a fair idea of fodder crops. I have been researching our forums for the last 3 months and have a fair amount of idea about the goat farming, but, I still have few questions.
I need the experts in our forum to provide their valuable suggestions.
1. What is the male to female ratio suggested? My idea is only for meat purposes so any variety which can grow max weight in min time is important. I heard Thalasseri & Boer cross is good with 20:2 ratios for my plan. Please suggest possible good alternatives for my area.
2. Which is the best season to start the goat farming and what is the minimum unit size to start? I want to start on a trial and error basis in the beginning with 10-15 goats and gradually scale it up upto 100. Please suggest if this is a good method for beginners.
3. What should be the approximate age for the parent stock of goats? Should these be first time mothers or we can even buy even lactating goats which had previously given birth to kids. But, I am also assuming that if the age is more, the kidding capacity will decrease after 3-4 kidding and the price will be higher because of more weight.
4. What will be price of the parent stocks of Boers & Thalasseri breeds?
5. Please suggest some good tips for buying the goats to buy good original breeds and avoid fraud?
6. Any reliable farms /Brokers/Markets contacts to purchase the goats?
7. I only want to sell the goats for meat and not very much interested in milking the goats since this requires additional labour burden. Is the milking mandatory for lactating goats or we can give all the milk for the kids. But, the problem is once the kids are sold, the lactating goats will suffer? Please provide any suggestions for this aspect?
8. How to identify the heat signs for mating and at what age a goat will show this signs?
9. What is the best place to procure stall-fed system materials and any contractors are available?
10. My next important question is how to maintain the parent stock and scale up the farm. As per my plan, initially if am buying 20 female and 2 male goats. I am assuming that in 2 years there will be 3 kidding by each goat which will be approximately 4-5 goats on a conservative estimate? So approximately there will be 80-100 kids born every 2 years with average 40 per year. What should I do with these all the new kids?
• Should I sell all the kids after 6 months after it gained a weight of 25-30 kgs or should I retain few of them?
• If I retain few of the female kids I came to know from few members comments that I should not allow them to mate with the original 2 Boer males which gave birth to them.
• Also, of the 40 kids there will be both male and female kids, can i allow in-breeding between them? If not, then how can I avoid that since all of them will be in the same stall and live together and i cannot prevent that?
11. Then, how can I scale up my farm from the initial 20 to gradually to 40, 60 and 100 parent stock? Should i buy new male Boers to mate with the female kids?
12. How should I replenish my old parent stock which I started initially, at what time and after how may kidding/years I should sell them?
13. What is the market for the goats? All of us in the forum are saying there is a huge demand for goat and I understand that. But, what if after starting a farm with lot of expense, we are not finding enough orders and middlemen problem starts who always eat away our profit.

I am open for a joint-venture with experienced people in my land on a profit sharing basis.

Many more questions will follow!!!



Well-Known Member
1.The female to male ratio for breeding purpose is 20:1,the best goats for crossing with boer are osmanabadi,as it has very lean meat which has greater demand in market.has high resistant power against diseases as compare to thalasseri.
2.This is the best season to start the goat farming,as rainy season ends here.For begging you can start wit 20 females and 1 male.
3.The approximate age should be of 30kg-35kg age should be around 9-18months,they should be first time pregnant or have given kids at least for one time.There is 5% possibility in goats,that goats wont shows any signs of mating,they remains impotent through out the their life.
4.Inquire with your nearest sellers regarding the cost,prices are not fixed they changes from seller to seller.Dont go on prices,go with pureline variety,you will get low quality goats at very cheap prices.
5.For buying tips visit my websites link-http://goatfarm.co.in/goat-farm-project-report/
6.Conatct your nearest KVK.
7.Goats gives milk for 3-4 months after pregnancy depending on their body capacity.You cant sell the kids before 3 months of their age ,or you profit ratio will decrease.So all the milk given by goats is feeded to kids only,as much kids will get the milk more will be the growth in them,more will be the weight gain.None of the breeder sales their goat milk,the main reason behind that the profit obtain by feeding the kids with milk is far more than that of selling milk in market,as the meat prices are very high as compare to milk prices.
8.The maturity of goat varies from breed to breed,its from 6 months to 12 months.6 months in boer,6-7 months in osmanabadi and 8 months in thalasseri.Signs of heat-White mucous liquid arises from their vagina at the time of heat,its been naturally detected by male.
9.Have to inquire with your nearest fabricators regarding that or with KVK.
10.Its a very long explanation,time deosnt permits me to write it in detail here.Refer my websites link-Goat Farm Project Report - My website
11.One male is enough for 3 years.
12.You can sell them after 5-6 years breeding them.
13,presently there is lots of shortage of goats for meat purpose,and thats the main reason for hike in goat meat prices every year,check last five years prices and todays,they are nearly double or triple and this will rise every year.So when you open a new goat farm,market gets generated at your own place if its nearer to locality.There is no problem in marketing of goats in any part of country,meat goat gets readily sold even at midnight,check my websites link-Osmanabadi Goat
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Assalam alikum sir i would like to start sheep farming i need a loan what are documents required for loan .

Thnks & kind regards


Well-Known Member
The documents required to avail the loan has been previously discussed,please read my previous posts to know more about it.


New Member
want to start a goat farm in Rajasthan

Dear sir,
I want to start a goat farm in Rajasthan I want some information please help me to answer this question.
1. how much space we need for goat farming
2. what is benefit we can from govt.
3 from which insurance company giving goat insurance.
4. what is total capital we need.
5.goat is require more place to walk and all.

please answer and help me.
my cont. 9632141127
Rajender singh

Here you can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer you the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.Post your queries on forum only.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only,and you will get your reply here,very soon.

International Goat Farm Expert
Osmanabadi Goat


New Member
want to start a goat farm in Rajasthan

Dear sir,
I want to start a goat farm in Rajasthan I want some information please help me to answer this question.
1. how much space we need for goat farming
2. what is benefit we can from govt.
3 from which insurance company giving goat insurance.
4. what is total capital we need.
5.goat is require more place to walk and all.

please answer and help me.
my cont. 9632141127
Rajender singh

Here you can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer you the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.Post your queries on forum only.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only,and you will get your reply here,very soon.

International Goat Farm Expert
Osmanabadi Goat


I require these basic minimum information ,Kindly provide

1. Which breads are suitable for Andhra Pradesh environment?
2.What is cost of goat Vs Breeds?
3. What is initial investment for 100 Goats?( shed and animial )
4. What is running cost for 100 goats per year (Vaccination , food, etc)



Well-Known Member
1.The space needed for goat farming depends on number of goats that you wan to breed and the type of shed that you wan to construct.In elevated form of shed per goat requires 10sqft of space for shed whereas at ground level shed it requires 30sqft per goat.Minimum of 3 acres of highly fertile land or 5 acres of semi fertile land is required to cultivate the fodder for 100 adult goats and their kids.Different types of fodder are being cultivated in this farm land to obtain the fodder for 365days.More details are given in my project report.
2.You can apply for subsidy under NABARD,but first you have to avail the loan from any nationalized bank to do so.
3.United India,oriental,bajaj and many more,just visit your nearest livestock office,they will provide you more names and numbers of your area.
4.Total capital again depends on number of goat breed,type of goat breed and their age.Its different for different goat breeds with different ages.
5.Yes goat requires enough open space outside the shed area for their movement and exercise.

Dear sir,
I want to start a goat farm in Rajasthan I want some information please help me to answer this question.
1. how much space we need for goat farming
2. what is benefit we can from govt.
3 from which insurance company giving goat insurance.
4. what is total capital we need.
5.goat is require more place to walk and all.

please answer and help me.
my cont. 9632141127
Rajender singh


New Member
Hello Sir,

I would like to start goat farm in Maharashtra.
But I am little bit confuse about it, I have 2 land.
1 is in Corporation area.
2 nd is in village.
So which will be better area to start this.



Well-Known Member
1.Osmnabadi goat breed is best for andhra pradesh's climatic conditions.As it provides more lean meat at its slaughtering age.
2.Cost of goat varies from breed to breed.
3.Investment of shed depends on how you want to construct the shed,on ground or elevated form,with bamboos or metal.It ranges from 100rs per sqft to 500rs per sqft.In elevated form each goat requires 10sqft of shed area and at ground level each goat requires 30 sqft of shed area and thrice open area for movement, outside the shed.Price of goat varies form breed to breed and is different for different age of goat for same breed.
4.Visit my websites link-http://goatfarm.co.in/goat-farm-project-report/
I require these basic minimum information ,Kindly provide

1. Which breads are suitable for Andhra Pradesh environment?
2.What is cost of goat Vs Breeds?
3. What is initial investment for 100 Goats?( shed and animial )
4. What is running cost for 100 goats per year (Vaccination , food, etc)



Well-Known Member
It will be always better to start the farm in village area,as there will be availability of more fodder in village areas as compare to corporate areas.The facilities and infrastructures which are needed for goat farming are available at cheaper prices in village areas.The climatic conditions are more suitable in village areas,there will be less polluted air and more amount of fresh oxygen.
Hello Sir,

I would like to start goat farm in Maharashtra.
But I am little bit confuse about it, I have 2 land.
1 is in Corporation area.
2 nd is in village.
So which will be better area to start this.



New Member
I am looking for to open a goat farm in nagpur district mahatrasta.
can u please help me out from this ...
I have two land area.
One is in rural and other in urban.
so please suggest me what will be the best as per govt scheme.



i need more Details about goat farming subsidy & Government schemes goat farms iam from karaikal 609602 pondicherry.Email Id:hajamohinudeen20062@gmail.com

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
Dear saleem7747,
The person in above the video guiding about government schemes for goat farming, posted bu you is MR.Rajaram Wadkute ,Goat and Sheep Minister of Maharashtra State,and the farm in this same video beside them is one of my own farm at Latur district of Maharashtra.
Check this link of my farm telecasted back on SAM TV,its the same farm highlighted in the video posted by you-[video=youtube_share;IZtBYj5Kjm4]http://youtu.be/IZtBYj5Kjm4[/video]
See this Video for more Details in Maharastra goat farming and subsidy:

Nabard Details:

Department of animal husbandary Maharastra:
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New Member
Feeding silage to goats

Hi Sir,

Thanks for the excellent information you are providing.

we have boer/thallacherry cross breed of goats in our farm.
Water has reduced in our borewells and we are planning to move over to silage type of feeding. We provide concentrates and mineral mixture in addition to the green fodder.

I have the following questions :

1. How good is Silage as a means of fodder to goats ?

2. Do goats eat silage effectively or only green fodder should be given ?

3. if the goats were feeding on green fodder from their birth and if the fodder is changed to silage suddenly will
there be any impact ?

4. Do goat babies readily eat silage if it is introduced as fodder for them ? if no, how can we practice it to feed silage ?

5. Will there be a difference in the rate of growth of goats which were fed entirely on green fodder to the goats which were fed entirely on silage ?

6. How many babies to the Boer/Thallacherry cross type of breed give birth to at a time ?

7. Which are the fastest multiplying goat breeds available in India ? Which are the ones you would suggest that we must have in addition to boer/thallacherry cross ?
We are purely concentrating on multiplying

Please provide answers for the following questions sir :)


Well-Known Member
1.you cant use silage as main staple food of goats,it is used as a substitute to concentrated fodder for goats.Concentrated fodder is given to goats in limited amount say 100gm-250gm per day not more than that.So you cant give the silage more than this amount and cant be given to goats as much as they want to eat as that of green or dry fodder,other wise it may lead to loose motion in goats.
2.Silage consists of moisture(water) as it is prepared by anaerobic method,goats dislikes moisture contain or wet fodder to eat and cant eat it as that of green fodder.only dairy animals(cows,buffaloes) eats wet fodder or silage till their stomach is overfilled but not the goats.Goats will eat silage in limited manner say 100gm-250gm,that too taste has to be generated slowly slowly.
3.yes there will be an impact,the immediate effect will be of loose motions,others will be of hormonal imbalance in them.
4.Yes goat babies will eat silage,coz they dont knows what to eat and not.
5.Yes there is difference in rate of growth,as goats are mainly born to eat green fodder on earth and here green fodder is replaced manually by silage.So the growth will be not as much that of natural growth.To obtain better results you can use silage in limited manner and not as replace of green fodder.
6.For first time one,then after that two usually, not always.
7.Pureline Osmanabadi goats are best goat breeds,and are best for multiplying than any other Indian goat breed,and thats the main reason that there demand is very high in any part of country.
International Goat Farm Expert.
