Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Features of Stone Flour Mill Machine


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In this society,human pay more attention to a healthy diet,flour is a very important part in our life, but the nutrients through different flour mill machine is not the same.

Flour mill machine is a high efficiency machine,due to the high speed of operation,it makes many nutrients lost out soon.Although it improved efficiency but reduces the quality of the flour, flour mill machine compared with the stone flour mill, the flour by flour miling machine is low nutrient.

Srone flour mill is belongs to small flour mill, it is suitable for families operating, productivity is relatively low, the process will not such as high temperature operation and therefore it will be able to retain a lot of nutrients in flour.

After testing the comparison we know through stone flour mill machine processed flour contains many nutrients, such as protein, carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrate, vitamin B2, vitamin B1 and dietary fiber and so on nutrition are well retained.

If you are a family choice, it is recommended to choose a stone flour mill machine is better, low productivity , but nutritious is rich.

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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
