Eucalyptus ,poplar clone plants and cultivation by india plantation organisation

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We integrate Eucalyptus and poplar plantation in Andhrapradesh, Gujrat, Himanchal, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Tamilnadu, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarpradesh, Madhyapradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West bengal, Odisha, Maharastra and karnatka. We have more then 50,000 farmers across india . We are organisation based in mumbai exporter of poplar & safeda wood , timber wood products like timber boards, timber logs, board ply products, wooden margins and wooden laminated floorings we integrate farming of poplar & eucalyptus (safeda) with buy back gurantee on stamp paper of 100 rs with registration from court of mumbai with current market rate of wood .

Eucalyptus are generally moderately large trees and attain a height of 40-60 feet and diameter of 40-45 inch. The trunk of the tree is generally straight and constitute half of the total height.wood is buy back with rate of kg. 5 - 6 RS/kg 300-400 kg /tree in 4-5 tree become of minimum 1800 -2000 RS after 5 yrs. do 1500 plantation in one acre at space of 1.5 X 1.5 meetre and earn RS 1800 from one tree x 1500 tree = 25,00000 - 27,00000 lakhs
Yield and Returns
In market, the poplar wood is sold on weight basis. The average wood biomass per tree after six years is about 300 kg to 400kg and presently the prices vary from Rs. 4 to Rs. 5 per kg though the highest has gone upto Rs. 6/kg. Assuming an average price @ Rs.4/- per kg (under bark volume), the farmer can get Rs. 1600 - 2000/ tree/- over period of six years. Income from inter-crops will be additional which will vary depending upon the crop cultivated. The returns will depend upon site quality, inputs, intensity of management, actual yield and ruling market prices at the time of harvest.
HURRY UP !!!!!!!!!!!
Lets get registered with India planation organisation to earn the best from your land .

From the first call to the harvesting of mature trees, the team at India plantation org. works with our customers to ensure that all questions are answered, and all needs are met. The following is a brief run-down of the investment process.
1. Consultation: Over the phone, via e-mail or in person, we get to know the clients and discover their need for investment in forestry. The process includes answering any questions you have, as well as helping to take iniciative in poplar and euclaptus timber investment. Once the client is satisfied a registration amount RS 2500 is paid by the client to the company’s account so that the client is called up to be registered client and there after process for plantation starts.
2. Soil Identification: At any given time, the team of india plantation org. visits to the clients place’if clients need and ready to pay fees to take the sample of soil for testing, which is done in the laboratory. The report of soil test is delivered to the client within 4 to 6 working days by e- mail, post or by hand accordingly.
3. Site Preparation and Planting: Once the order is placed, India plantation org. professionals advise the client to prepare the land for optimal clonal Eucalyptus and poplar planting as according to the order placed by the client. The advice includes clearing brush, securing fence lines, prepping the soil and fertilizing. Then, it’s time to plant the trees. The legacy has begun.
4. Maintenance Schedule: Before and during planting, R.E.A will create a uniform schedule for your plantation.We always provide training material and written information in the brouchers . This material contains all the information regarding the maintenance of the plants. Still , if client needs any extra guidence INDIA PLANTATION ORGANISATION team finds the best solution ,after all we believe in clients satisfaction. These actions are then performed when necessary. They include the consultation for fence maintenance, the clearing of undergrowth, trimming of plants and more.
5. Periodic Cullings: The coordinated cutback of lesser trees then occurs at the following intervals: 3-4years, 5-6 years. The profits on the sale of these less mature trees will easily cover the maintenance cost of the plantation.
6. Harvest: Depending on the strategies put forth at the start of the plantation, a harvest is performed after 5 years or more according to the demand of market or at clients’ will. Once again, with INDIA PLANTATION ORGANISATION, the harvest time is entirely up to you i.e., the investor. If the market doesn’t suit your taste, you can hold on to the plantation as long as you like.

Our vision
Our vision is to promote development of forestry as trees are important, valuable and necessary to our very existence. It's not too hard to believe that, without trees we humans would not exist on this beautiful planet. In fact, some claim can be made that our mother's and father's ancestors climbed tree
Still, trees are essential to life as we know it and are the ground troops of an environment . Let's face it, we could not exist as we do, if there were no trees. A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. What many people don't realize is that the forest also acts as a giant filter that cleans the air we breath.
Single EUCALYPTUS tree consume 142 kg carbon dioxide anually.
Second benifit of planting teak trees is to improve self economy. Cutting Eucalyptus trees provide timber which can be sold out. The fact is that we should always maintain the cycle of planting and cutting of trees to maintain the ecological balance.
Teak is known to be the king of timber as it has better economical value than other commercial trees.
So we promote EUCALYPTUS AND POPLAR plantation for the betterment of nature for our survival as well as self economical development by producing timber i.e EUCALYPTUS,POPLAR.

At present we are appointing franchisee at district level and B.D.M of the state for further information please contact 08953935993,07572077418,419,424,425


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