Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

consultancy for hydroponics cultivation, azzolla cultivation, and cattle management


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my farm

hi guys,

hydroponic is an ancient method but researched and developed in past years. It is the best method of cultivation of feed for cows, ships, goats, and many others. Where water scarcity is major problem at that place hydroponics provide better option. As well as no soil is required to cultivate such cattle feed so very small area is required. well last but not the least the FAT in cow milk before using azzola and hydroponic corn was in the range of 3.00 ---- 4.10, but after using the corn and azzolla the FAT shown tremendous change to 4.50----5.50, that is equivalent to buffalo milk, and i can guarantee you for the same results.

by using this technique saudi arabia is cultivating tremendous milk production.

i provide consultancy for erection of lowest cost (compare to any one else,) hydroponic shed, its management, maintenance, trouble shooting, economics, and the other endless possibilities in the same shed. Or if you want me to do all the erection and labor jobs along with material, that can also be done.

if interested please contact
pankaj mali. BE Civil , shirdi (sai baba) maharashtra,
call on 09011049301

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
