Concept to Completion (C2C) Consultancy Services for Sustainability Projects

We offer C2C (Concept to Completion) and Management Consultancy for start up/sustainable development and management of diverse sustainable farm/agriculture / biodiversity based business and conservation projects in the following sectors, all over India and abroad:

A. Sustainable Agriculture Development Projects:

1. Organic/Natural/Traditional Farms/Plantations/Orchards etc with High Value Crops.
2. Ayurvedic Farms/Plantations.
3. Organic Vegetable Farms.
4. Organic Mushroom Cultivation Units.
5. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

B. Sustainable Biodiversity Projects:

1. Biodiversity Parks
2. Butterfly Parks
3. Dragon Fly Parks
4. Bird Parks
5. Anthill Parks.
6. Aquatic Parks
7. Sacred Forests/Hermitages (Pampinkavu/Nagakottai/ Pavithravana/Devarkaadu etc)
8. Water Conservation and Ground Water Recharge Projects.
9. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

C. Organic Food and Spice Processing Projects:

1. Organic Food Processing/Packing/Value Addition Industries and Marketing Enterprises.
2. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

D. Organic Seeds Packaging and Organic Farm Inputs Manufacturing/Packaging Projects:

1. Organic Seeds Packaging Industries.
2. Organic Farm Inputs manufacturing/Processing Industries.
3. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

E. Natural Health Products Manufacturing Projects:

1. Natural Health and Beauty Products Manufacturing Industries and Marketing Enterprises.
2. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

F. Traditional and Unique Handicrafts Projects:

1. Bamboo Handicrafts Production Units.
2. Banana Stem Handicraft Production Units..
3. Coffee Stem Handicraft Production Units.
4. Coconut Stem and Leaf Handicraft Production Units.
5. Arecanut Leaf Handicrafts Production Units.
6. Sandalwood Handicrafts Production Units.
7. Rosewood Handicrafts Production Units.
8. Vetiver Root Handicrafts Production Units.
9. Handloom Crafts Units.
10. Vegetable Dyeing Units.
11. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

G. Sustainable Farm/Village Tourism Projects:

1. Eco / Organic Resorts / Hotels.
2. Ayurvedic/Health Tourism Projects.
3. Farm/Plantation Tourism Projects.
4. Village Tourism Projects.
5. Spiritual Tourism Projects.
6. Cultural/Anthropological Tourism Projects.
7. Adventure Tourism Projects.
8. Swimming Pools-Natural and Modern Styles.
9. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

H. Green/Renewable Energy Projects:

1. Solar Energy Generation Projects-Off Grid and On Grid.
2. Wind Energy Projects-Off Grid and On Grid: Big and Small Projects.
3. Bio Energy-Energy from Bio-wastes, solid wastes, plastic wastes, human waste(excreta) etc.
4. Water Pumping Conversion from Grid Energy/Diesel to Direct Solar Energy.
5. And many more and also tailor made projects according to client needs and constraints.

I. Sustainable Green Campus Projects:

1. Green Schools.
2. Green Colleges.
3. Green Institutes.
4. Green Universities.

J. Sustainable Green Villages/Green Cities/Green Residential Areas:

1. Green Villages.
2. Green Cities.
3. Green Residential Areas.

Please contact us, specifying projects you are interested, your dream ideas, interests and constraints and giving your minimum background details by mail, with “C2C Projects” in the subject line or text.
Please mail request to:

No. 204, Sri Thirumala Paradise, # 18, Goods Shed Road (TCM Royan Road), Bangalore-560 053.


New Member
Do you provide Agronomy services for vegetable cultivation and floriculture under Polyhouses. If yes kindly put me in touch with the concerned person. My number is 9980263399( Gautam)
