Buying land in kerala



New Member
I am about to buy a 5 acres land in chittur palakkad district of kerala,
I am from tamil nadu.

I want to know what are the thing that i must take note of.
this is my lifes saving and i cant offerd to loss anything, so any advise on what i must need to check and and what i must need to follow would help.

i believe there are lots of rules pertaining to land ownership and culitivation in kerala, would appreciate if people can give me the details i need to check, and if possible the process ...

Thanks a lot in advance.


New Member

Rajesh ,I heard info people of kerela who had shared their feedback I will share it with u.

1.Kerela most of the people work away from their state (mostly gulf) or outside of state ,Getting labour is very difficult and it is toooo costly ..I have been informed it is really very very high price u have to pay fr labourer..
2.You may have communist or local lobby there who fixes the rate if any one comes fr work
3.Tamilnadu is land of oppurtunities ,u being from tamilnadu i would suggest to look towards to ur native place ...
4.Unknown place ,Unknown state think twice....
5.There is a saying known devil is better than unknown devil..Dont take risk to put ur best savings in an unknown place..
6.Are u well versed with the area ?Do some survey if u really want to purchase there...
7.Kerela often law gets changed ...

Given an oppurtunity I would not risk to put my money into unknown state /place

Look into the laws of the state prior to do any ....


New Member
Hi there,
thanks for you advise, I am from Erode in Tamil Nadu.., Now the land rates are very very high, one acre of fertile land with water costs nothing less then 8 lakhs, and you can trust the water source in the coming years, because each year people are forced to extend thier bores.

Also in farming, max we can expect to get 1 lakh per acre as income after doing hard labour. so investing 20 lakhs for two acres you may not have much, and it would depend on how well the sessons are that year.

In Kerala, the place i have viewed is 5 acres, 5lks per acre, and there is ample water, I am sure there will not be any water problem. Thats why I decided to buy, and the place is palakad, little close to my place.

But as you said, I need to watch out, I am little scared and confused too,.



I am also looking to buy land in kerala, after Aanaikatti( Tamilnadu) - Pudur, Solaiur etc
If any legal issues please share, since people advise not to buy there.


Land in Kerala.

Dear Rajesh,

If somebody offered a land at 5 lakhs per acre in Palghat with water means something wrong with the land. Check the credibility of the person who offered such a low price. Check whether the land is in notified area or belongs to any SC, ST or Tribels. Contact an advocate and get his professional opinion. Meet the village officer and check the Basic Tax Records[BTR]. Go to the Sub-registrar office and see the encumbrance of the land also. After making these issues cleared you can proceed.
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New Member
@alkathir, I did try for land in Aanaikatti too, problem over there is lots of places comes under forest area, you would need to check what all you can do before getting it, as there would be lots of restrictions, also, elephant menance is something to watchout for, as it could destroy what ever you do, and there is very little you can do about it.

@gvaranam, I thought 5 lkhs itself is on the costly side, it may be cheap for people who have loads of money and dont know what to do, but for people who are planning for an income source out of it, its still on the costly side. But yes as you said, i would need to be carefull, I will do as you suggested will check with the VO and Register office for the restriction on the land and the ownership of the land.


my contact details

Dear Rajesh,

you will be really lucky if you can get one acre land for 5 lakhs in palakkad,actually you can make money without doing anything in the land, just keep it for 3 to 4 years ,i think you can get triple the value of the same land, that is one good thing buying land in kerala. my area itself is 25 km from palakkad town and it is a village 2 km from main road we were offered 30 lakhs per acre. so mentioned by somebody earlier please check properly then buy land.

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If you are interested in natural farming and permaculture, then you can buy "wasteland" in Erode, put in water harvesting structures, and get a good yield. You will have to wait for 3 to 5 years for decent yields, but after that, you can take it easy. I think the future will be with traditional grains and vegetables, grown organically and sustainably, rather than the low nutrition, high maintenance hybrids. Rates of diabetes, cancer and other illness have risen, and most can be traced to poor nutrition, not lack of food.


New Member

Mr Deepak if every body thinks to keep their land idle and wait for it to uprise !Think who will do farming and where wil you get food ..Dont set bad examples for others when it comes to agriculture land .. There are various ways to earn money ....

Already there is decline of farming prevailing ,Great to see Peoples started doing this !I am wondering what will happen to this agriculture country.

Rajesh as I said earlier Kerela ,You will see many people like these who are awaiting to take chance !this price and land think twice ,it is a typical state with own set of laws and will end up in communist dramas.. ....thats why you see no people staying in kerela and they are always outside their state....

Actually u need to put lot ground work ,go thro known people and thoroughly verify ,take the survey number and check whose name it is in...remember u are going outside ur native place ....

Lot of kerelites ,North Indians purchase land in tamilnadu not in their state knowing lot of complications prevailing in their state...

Agriculture is the only field which maximize the yield like one drop of grain gives you chunk of 60 -90 which u cannot see in any business...If it is planned properly you can really earn good earning potential ...

Remove the perception agriculture will not yield potential ,The problem you face here is mediators who decides the prices and because of bad governance which fails to fix the price....ideally consumer product items prices are fixed by company ,,,but in case of farmer it is always fight every time...

It all depends are you planning to career towards agriculture as full time or part time....

Colloborate with like minded people ,do natural farming (80-85yield is guaranteed as compared to fertilizer's pesticides) but in end you get olden days enriched product w/o any pesticide /chemical presence.

Private message me what are ur aspirations ,will see if we have common interests inorder to see quorum of like minded people and uplift noble field of agriculture


Mr Deepak if every body thinks to keep their land idle and wait for it to uprise !Think who will do farming and where wil you get food ..Dont set bad examples for others when it comes to agriculture land .. There are various ways to earn money ....

Already there is decline of farming prevailing ,Great to see Peoples started doing this !I am wondering what will happen to this agriculture country.

Rajesh as I said earlier Kerela ,You will see many people like these who are awaiting to take chance !this price and land think twice ,it is a typical state with own set of laws and will end up in communist dramas.. ....thats why you see no people staying in kerela and they are always outside their state....

Actually u need to put lot ground work ,go thro known people and thoroughly verify ,take the survey number and check whose name it is in...remember u are going outside ur native place ....

Lot of kerelites ,North Indians purchase land in tamilnadu not in their state knowing lot of complications prevailing in their state...

Agriculture is the only field which maximize the yield like one drop of grain gives you chunk of 60 -90 which u cannot see in any business...If it is planned properly you can really earn good earning potential ...

Remove the perception agriculture will not yield potential ,The problem you face here is mediators who decides the prices and because of bad governance which fails to fix the price....ideally consumer product items prices are fixed by company ,,,but in case of farmer it is always fight every time...

It all depends are you planning to career towards agriculture as full time or part time....

Colloborate with like minded people ,do natural farming (80-85yield is guaranteed as compared to fertilizer's pesticides) but in end you get olden days enriched product w/o any pesticide /chemical presence.

Private message me what are ur aspirations ,will see if we have common interests inorder to see quorum of like minded people and uplift noble field of agriculture
hi, pls send details

please note Kerala now with the highest no of profit making PSU in India
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I am about to buy a 5 acres land in chittur palakkad district of kerala,
I am from tamil nadu.

I want to know what are the thing that i must take note of.
this is my lifes saving and i cant offerd to loss anything, so any advise on what i must need to check and and what i must need to follow would help.

i believe there are lots of rules pertaining to land ownership and culitivation in kerala, would appreciate if people can give me the details i need to check, and if possible the process ...

Thanks a lot in advance.
hi, pls send details
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Mr Deepak if every body thinks to keep their land idle and wait for it to uprise !Think who will do farming and where wil you get food ..Dont set bad examples for others when it comes to agriculture land .. There are various ways to earn money ....

Already there is decline of farming prevailing ,Great to see Peoples started doing this !I am wondering what will happen to this agriculture country.

Rajesh as I said earlier Kerela ,You will see many people like these who are awaiting to take chance !this price and land think twice ,it is a typical state with own set of laws and will end up in communist dramas.. ....thats why you see no people staying in kerela and they are always outside their state....

Actually u need to put lot ground work ,go thro known people and thoroughly verify ,take the survey number and check whose name it is in...remember u are going outside ur native place ....

Lot of kerelites ,North Indians purchase land in tamilnadu not in their state knowing lot of complications prevailing in their state...

Agriculture is the only field which maximize the yield like one drop of grain gives you chunk of 60 -90 which u cannot see in any business...If it is planned properly you can really earn good earning potential ...

Remove the perception agriculture will not yield potential ,The problem you face here is mediators who decides the prices and because of bad governance which fails to fix the price....ideally consumer product items prices are fixed by company ,,,but in case of farmer it is always fight every time...

It all depends are you planning to career towards agriculture as full time or part time....

Colloborate with like minded people ,do natural farming (80-85yield is guaranteed as compared to fertilizer's pesticides) but in end you get olden days enriched product w/o any pesticide /chemical presence.

Private message me what are ur aspirations ,will see if we have common interests inorder to see quorum of like minded people and uplift noble field of agriculture
Dear Natureheals,

Please be informed that I am not setting any bad examples here as I don’t reap any benefits out of this. For your kind information, I will be setting up my very own dairy farm in 2011 and I have done an enormous amount of work researching on this field. Hence, I do not take anyone’s accusation very lightly.

Being a Keralite, the cost of acquiring a land in Tamil Nadu is better as it’s much cheaper in terms of labour as well. I have a 2.5 acres of paddy field but not a single Keralite was willing to work on it. The cost of machinery is more expensive and the wage is also ridiculous. Men =Rs 250 per day and Women=Rs 150 per day (minimum)

So before anyone gets involved in this field, one has to thoroughly research on it.

And once again, before jumping the gun, read a person’s comments first and judge. It saves a lot of work and trouble for all parties. But if you can help rajesh then it will be great. All the best



New Member
Buying Land

Dear Mr. Rajesh

Please visit our web or contact me or call me

Thanks and Regards

Shaji Madathil
Lands and Lands Consultants
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Dear Rajesh,

Here so many people advising with out correct knowledge. All people only heard from mouth to mouth. They dont know the real situvation.

I am born and bought up in palakkad, attappady. Here still there are so many land properties,availabls at the rates of 4 lakhs to 7 lakhs per acer with good water, road and clear title.
Dont worry about the documents. Before buying you check with village, and you can understand the document is ok or not.
And rates are soo cheap ,because these all property is get through family asets. No new buyers. The youngsters all not interesting in agriculture. So they are selling the property. I have with me 12 acer at 4.5 lakh per ace/ 23 acer at 4 lakh/ 50 acer at 7 lakh/ and 45 acer at 3.5 lakh per acer. All clear paper, no tribs issue.




New Member
Excellent business opportunity to partner with world leaders in the agricultural mechanization sector throughout south india with special focus on Kerala , Tamilnadu , .

if you are willing to invest >1 cr Contact 9539509432 immediately and send your profile to to ensure a stake in a profitable, sustainable and growth oriented industry .

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Dear Manoj.

I am new to this forum. Is the property still available for sale ?

Rakesh Sivan.

Dear Rajesh,

Here so many people advising with out correct knowledge. All people only heard from mouth to mouth. They dont know the real situvation.

I am born and bought up in palakkad, attappady. Here still there are so many land properties,availabls at the rates of 4 lakhs to 7 lakhs per acer with good water, road and clear title.
Dont worry about the documents. Before buying you check with village, and you can understand the document is ok or not.
And rates are soo cheap ,because these all property is get through family asets. No new buyers. The youngsters all not interesting in agriculture. So they are selling the property. I have with me 12 acer at 4.5 lakh per ace/ 23 acer at 4 lakh/ 50 acer at 7 lakh/ and 45 acer at 3.5 lakh per acer. All clear paper, no tribs issue.


