For Sale Black rice


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I would like to sell premium quality black rice in bulk. Anybody interested please contact me.
Hii Sir where to Contact you.....You Havent mentioned any phone no neither you have mentioned any mail id of yours.....Well Sir tell me the Quantity you Have & is it On Red soil or Black soil plz do mention it my Contact no is ....9953104533(watsapp only) .....Rupesh Gupta from Delhi.

Buy the book "Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Interviews"

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New Member
sir , we have large scale plantation of black rice in north east india. there are two types of crop. one in conventional and other is organic. Both the item yields low compareing to our white and per boiled rice we consumed daily. Black rice conventional type is Rs 80,000 per metric ton and Organic Black rice is Rs 300/kg i.e.Rs 300000 per ton You may contact , N. PATHAK. +91 9239245382

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New Member
please call me back with your particulars of black rice quantity. whether conventional or organic. If conventional it is superb quality as good as organic. New crop and we can send you sample for your reference. That we can provide container load. FOB KOLKATA. RATE Rs 150 per Kg, Packing 50 Kg sound plastic bag. Please reply to our mail- M- +91 9239245382

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New Member
Dear sir,

I am Mr Fedric John the Director of Fodrico Ltd and we are interested in importing your products.Please send us more information regarding
details/specifications and price quotes for our discussion in our Mgt meeting and deciding on how to start good business relationship with you and your company.

Kindly reply to us using our official company e-mail address as for fast communication.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Warm regards.

Mr Fedric John.
Fodrico Ltd.

Buy the book "Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Interviews"

Buy the book "Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Interviews"

Hii Sir where to Contact you.....You Havent mentioned any phone no neither you have mentioned any mail id of yours.....Well Sir tell me the Quantity you Have & is it On Red soil or Black soil plz do mention it my Contact no is ....9953104533(watsapp only) .....Rupesh Gupta from Delhi.
Hi Rupesh sir we are unit black Rice farmer from Assam we are looking for regular buyer from anywhere in India our products is organic with loose packaging at lowest price 130 rs per kg contact us 7576007488

Buy the book "Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Interviews"

Hii Sir where to Contact you.....You Havent mentioned any phone no neither you have mentioned any mail id of yours.....Well Sir tell me the Quantity you Have & is it On Red soil or Black soil plz do mention it my Contact no is ....9953104533(watsapp only) .....Rupesh Gupta from Delhi.
Hi Rupesh sir we are organic manipuri chakhow black Rice farmer from Assam we are looking for regular bulk buyer from anywhere in India wats up number 7576007488 note we are farmer anybody can buy at lowest price thanks

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