
  1. B

    Fresh milk produced in organic way available in South Bangalore

    Good fresh un-adultered Cow Milk near Bangalore ------------------------------------------------------- We have a farm where in we feed cows with grass grown in our farm itself. Grass is grown without any pesticides , chemical fertilizers. It is fresh cow milk without any adulteration or...
  2. B

    Dariy Farm Workers / Labourers

    I am looking for manual labourers for my Dairy Farm in Kerala. Could somebody help? Workers with experience in Dairy Farm/Agriculture from any Indian states willing to stay in Kerala would be offered attractive salary and perks. Please contact me
  3. K

    NRI Investment Required

    Hi, We are in the process to start an integrated agriculture project at Bihar with Hi tech poly green house, 100 Cow dairy, Fisheries, 40 cubic meter biogas plant and commercial vermiculture unit. We are looking some NRI investment or any one who are willing join hand. This is really great...
  4. G

    Looking for those interested in dairy farming near Bangalore

    We are planning to set up a dairy farm near Bangalore in Tamil Nadu border ( 70 kms from Bangalore ). If you are interested in dairy farming, you can join us. Investment required per person is 15-20 Lakhs. Contact us only if you have the funds available to invest in next 1 month , since we are...
  5. bharatbook

    China liquid dairy and dairy product manufacturing industry, 2011

    China liquid dairy and dairy product manufacturing Industry, 2011 is valuable for anyone who wants to invest in the liquid dairy and dairy product manufacturing industry, to get Chinese investments; to import into China or export from China, to build factories and take advantage of lower costs...
  6. D

    Setting up of Dairy farm

    Hi, I am interested in setting up a dairy farm with 1,000 nos of cows/buffaloes near nashik maharashtra. I have already acquired 125 acres irrigated land for the same. I would like to hire consultant for the setting up dairy farm. Also I would require manufacturers of milking machines, animal...
  7. cnsant

    International Symposium on Dairy, Livestock & Poultry in Karnal...

    International Symposium on Future of Indian Poultry, Dairy & Livestock Industry Vision 2020 1st-2nd December 2011, NDRI, Karnal Haryana, INDIA VISION 2020 - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FUTURE OF INDIAN POULTRY...
  8. D

    Download bankable Dairy Farm Project Reports for starting/expanding a dairy farm

    Visit Project Reports page at Livestock Production Management for Crossbred Cow and Buffalo Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD/Bank guidelines which can be customized (i.e. parameters like milk sale price, labour wages, bank loan rate, repayment period etc. can be modified by the user) and...
  9. N

    Spirulina for cows

    Hi I recently saw posts regarding spirulina being used for human food supplements. Any one has idea how it will affect if we feed to cows to increase milk or to calves to increase growth? Also, please let me know CP and DCP for spirulina if anyone knows. Thanks Nikhil
  10. R

    Income from dairy farm is taxable?

    We are in the process of setting up dairy farm in karnataka with min 20 cows. Our initial plan is to sell the milk directly to KMF. 1. Do we need to register a pvt ltd company to start dairy farm? 2. Income from dairy farm is taxable? 3. Do we need to take any permission from state or...
  11. H

    Manure Handling Systems

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure separator...
  12. H

    Quality Dairy Farm Equipments

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure separator...
  13. H

    Manure Scraper, Separator, Agitator, Pump, Cow Brush

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure separator...
  14. H

    Bedding Composter

    EYS BC Series Compost Drum system is semi-closed system aerobic composting technology known as “in-vessel composting” in world compost literature. Basically, the system provides ideal conditions for fastening the facilities of the bacteria in the organic waste. Depending on the process duration...
  15. H

    Manure Separator, Cow Brush, Manure Scraper

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure...
  16. H

    Dairy Farm Equipments

    Dear Sir/Madam, EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture...
  17. M

    Price of jercy & products

    Hi Friends, I am near by chennai and i am having around 1.5 acre of land. I want to start dairy business starting with 10 cows. since i am near by chennai, as discussed in this forum chennai climate doesn't suit for HF cows,So i want to buy Jercy cows. Where can i buy Jercy cows? How...
  18. N

    Fodder and Feed Management in Dairy

    Hello We have dairy with 20 cows and plans to expand to 50 cows. Our dairy is located near Mysore, Karnataka. I have questions related to cows fodder and feed management. 1. Is dry fodder mandatory for cows? Can we just give more green fodder? Reason being that dry fodder does not possess...
  19. S

    Help Needed

    Hi all, I am new to this forum. I have around 1 acre of land in Kerala where I want to start Poultry/Dairy. 1. What would be the ideal initial amount required to start these businesses. 2. What willl be th break even period 3. Expected Annual Cost/Revenues
  20. H

    Question Dairy farming

    i want to start a dairy farm ( at least 10 cows )in kashmir . anybody please give me info regarding 1. cost of the cows 2. land required 3. milk yield of cows ( i want high yielding cows) 4. cost of equipment . (milking machine.) and any info i dont know . please reply