Wanted Buyers for Onions from direct farmers for export and domestic



New Member
Hii everybody,
I am farmer of onion and also I have farmers near by me who are also growers of onions.
we want to direct sell our product to end users and also want to export our onions.
Anybody intrested pl contact me 09673828383.we can also set up a processing unit if required.


New Member
Dear Sir,

Greetings for the Day...

We are Sai Prerna Trust & Agri Age Farms. We are working with 750+ farmers in more than 5000 Acres of Land Area across the country. We are motivating them for diversified farming and providing them training by our expert team & associate training partner organisations. We are helping them to sell their produce in reasonable rates at their Farms without harass. In the manner we are increasing the Organic Produces on regular basis by explaining the benefits of the farms productivity & users health related issues.

We will visit your farm very soon.


Thanking You & Regards;

Ajeet Singh (Chairman)

Agri Age Farms (Under Sai Prerna Trust - A NGO)


New Delhi, India.

+91 85 100 23 145
