Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

There is Still the Original Quality of our Paddy Cleaner


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Paddy cleaner in the rice processing has a very importantrole. The full grain remains in the bottom of the cylinder and because of the inclination of the cylinder travels to a separate discharge outlet. Rice forms the basic primary processed product obtained from paddy and this is further processed for obtaining various secondary and tertiary products.
Features of PADDY CLEANER:
1.The standard design of paddy cleaner is provided with both pre- and after suction units.
2. Quick screen changing from pre-cleaning into fine cleaning by the operator serves to optimize the cleaning tasks.
3. The screen boxes are made of wear resistant plywood, which is approved for food
4. Screen cleaning with special rubber balls
5. Durable surface of the machine owing to high-quality powder lacquering
Pre Cleaners or paddy cleaner are used for seiving paddy and other grains to make them free of dust, stones and straws. The selected grains will fall into the lower layers sieving panels, and will be graded into different levels of the different grain sizes by sieving in different sieving layers, that caused by the layers sieving panels have different mash size. Selected grains flow to the outlets of good grain.
CSQZ Paddy Cleaner

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
