SAVE 50% on Cattle FEED : Read this



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Azolla – the super cattle food for all types of cattle
Benefits :
1) Save 50% cost on Cattle feed .
2) Azolla is very rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12, Beta Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous, copper, magnesium, zinc etc. On a dry weight basis, Azolla consists of 25 – 35% protein, 10 – 15% mineral and 7 – 10% a combination of amino acids, bio-active substances and bio-polymers. Carbohydrate and oil content in Azolla is very low. Moreover, Azolla can be easily digested by livestock, owing to its high protein and low lignin content. Trials on dairy animals showed an overall increase of milk yield by 15–20 % when 2–3 Kg of Azolla was combined with regular feed. 15 – 20% of commercial feed can be replaced with the same quantity of Azolla on dry weight basis, without affecting milk production. It was also found that Azolla feeding improves the quality of milk and the health and longevity of livestock. Along with this the high biomass potential of Azolla, a yield of 1000 MT/ hectare at the rate of 300 gm./sq.m/day, makes this ear-ring shaped green fern ideal feed.
3) Table: Nutritive Value of Azolla as Fodder
Crude Protein Fibre Digestible Nutrient content
Roughages - More than 18% Less than 60%
Concentrates - Less than 18% More than 60%
Fodder Legumes 16-20% 30% Less than 60%
Azolla 25 % 10 % 60-65% (est.)

We have lots of research papers which shall help you , for free consultation
Source :Backyard Azolla cultivation as cattle feed[/url]

Source : HINDU paper

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