sale for stevioside (white powder)

sale for stevioside in bulk

Offering Stevioside: Indian origin Stevioside available for sale. The material is in ready stock, Please contact us. It is 300 times sweetnar for normal suger sugar free, calorie free. We have stevioside powder in bulk quantity

ACI agro solution is an ISO 9001:2008 & FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH HACCP ISO 22000:2005 certifide is the leading agriculture consultancy of India.

This product is very use full for the patients who are suffering from the diabetes. In the market a lot of calorie free sugars alternate are available, but most of the products are artificially chemically synthesized. For the Long term consumption of these products are very harmful for the human body, but Honey Leaf Stevia Extract is totally natural extract. Now the diabetic patient can enjoy their test without any worry.

The health conscious people can also use the products. There don’t need to take tension about the extra calorie. They can make their food intake low calorie.
