Pet Breeding and Other Livestock Farming in Australia



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This Industry Market Research report from IBISWorld provides a detailed analysis of the Pet Breeding and Other Livestock Farming in Australia industry, including key growth trends, statistics, forecasts, the competitive environment including market shares and the key issues facing the industry. ( Pet Breeding and Other Livestock Farming in Australia - Business Market Reports )

Industry Definition

The Pet Breeding and Other Livestock Farming industry is part of the Australian agricultural sector and consists of establishments mainly engaged in raising or breeding farm or domestic animals. In Australia, the primary segments of this industry are beekeeping, goat farming and pet breeding. Other segments include the farming of emus, ostriches, snakes, crocodiles and rabbits.

Report Contents

The Key Statistics chapter provides the key indicators for the industry for at least the last three years. The statistics included are industry revenue, industry gross product, employment, establishments, exports, imports, domestic demand and total wages.

The Market Characteristics chapter covers the following: Market Size, Linkages, Demand Determinants, Domestic and International Markets, Basis of Competition and Life Cycle. The Market Size section gives the size of the domestic market as well as the size of the export market. The Linkages section lists the industry's major supplier and major customer industries. The Demand Determinants section lists the key factors which are likely to cause demand to rise or fall. The Domestic and International Markets section defines the market for the products and services of the industry. This section provides the size of the domestic market and the proportion accounted for by imports and exports and trends in the levels of imports and exports. The Basis of Competition section outlines the key types of competition between firms within the industry as well as highlighting competition from substitute products in alternative industries. The Life Cycle section provides an analysis of which stage of development the industry is at.

To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : Pet Breeding and Other Livestock Farming in Australia - Business Market Reports


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