Need information for cherry tomato growing in green shed



New Member
Dear Sir/Madam.

Interested to grow cherry tomatoes but do not have information. Requesting to guide starting from scratch.

Thanking you
Rajendra Soni


New Member

The cultivation cherry tomatoes is simialr to that of tomatoes it only varies with the variety you choose.

Tomato is grown in many types of soils from sand o heavy clay. A well-drained, fairly light fertile loam with a fair moisture holding capacity is ideal for growing a good crop of tomato. Good texture of the soil is of primary importance. Even poor and medium quality land produces good early crop, if managed properly. Tomato crop prefers a soil reaction ranging from pH 6.0 to 7.0. In acidic soils, liming was beneficial.
Tomato being a warm season crop, required long season to produce a profitable crop. It is tender and will not withstand a hard freeze. In regions having less than 3½ months frost-free period the tomato is not likely to be profitable. High humidity with high temperature favors the development of foliage diseases. On the other hand, hot drying winds often result in the dropping of the blossoms. The tomato plant produces large yields under irrigation in semiarid and arid regions.



New Member
100% Natural & Organic Fertilizer ( Saanvi Organics )

Dear Sir,

We are following the Truth of Nature: Action VS Reaction is always equal so Out Put we expect is always depends on Inputs we had given. We all wants to improve our product Quality and Quantity.

But whatsoever fertilizer (Inputs) we are using today can support the Nature? No.

That will spoil germ formation process of Nature and our land is going towards to Die.

Are you looking for some 100% Real Organic Fertilizer? If yes kindly read it carefully

Presenting Innovative Products Named: - Grenary-18.

Real products for Real People.

We are manufacturer of 100% Natural & Organic Fertilizer made from different trees extracts & some naturally available minerals from earth only.

G-18 is a Unique Composition produce such as micro & macro nutrients to the plant in natural form. G-18 is in concentrated form, plant food & soil conditioner. (Granules & Liquid Form)

# G-18 has 18 micro and macro elements such as N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Co, Si, B, Fe, Mo, Zn, Mn, S, C, H, CI, O.

# By natural process of Decomposition G-18. Is balance the P.H. of land and reduce the acidic part and neutralize the land

# The most important and required insect for farming is earth worm and it is no more because of chemical fertilizer produce sulfuric acid and that has killed the earth worms very badly. But use of G-18 will create suitable environment and earth worms will back naturally so no need to buy artificially and many more...

# Self Life: 2 to3 Yrs.

Most Important Note: - It is 98% pure Fertilizer and soil / impurity content is < or = 2% only.

Due to 98% purity you can modify ratio as per your market situation & land Fertility. Less quantity is required in compare of many other organic fertilizers.

Recommended Ratio: 1:5:5./Acre ( 30Kg G-18 + 150Kg Cow Dug + 150Kg Soil = 330Kg Fertilizer / Acre)
Ratio: - 1: 10 = 1Kg G-18 = 11Kg Compost Fertilizer.

That will save Transportation, Packing & Storage cost.

Thanks & regards,
Saanvi Organics,
Web Site: Liquid Organic Fertilizers,Organic Fertilizer Granules,Organic Fertilizer Manufacturers
Jignesh Kinkhabwala
Please contact..
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