Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Wanted Looking for a farm consultant in Anchetty area (TN)


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New Member
Looking for a farm consultant in Anchetty area (TN) who can advise on the best crop suitable for a farm (in Anchetty) based on all the key parameters.
Looking for someone who is really experienced and can provide some references of good work done.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


If you are interested in farming medicinal plants like Ashwagandha and Phyllanthus niruri(keelanelli) we can help. Good marketing potential and minimum risk. We can bring our consultant who has a doctorate in medicinal and herbal plant research.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Looking for a farm consultant in Anchetty area (TN) who can advise on the best crop suitable for a farm (in Anchetty) based on all the key parameters. Looking for someone who is really experienced and can provide some references of good work done.
Please contact .
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
