Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

land for sale 60 km to bangalore.


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6 acres of channel side land is for sale off kanakapura road(near dommaradoddi)8 km from kanakapura main road on MUDUVADI road.4 acres is coconut and arecanut(betal nut)mixed farm land and the remaining 2 acres land is a wet land which is adjacent to the channel from BAIRAMANGALA dam.single boundary and single natural river with water throughout the year is also there adjacent to the there is 2 water sources,good road access,good yielding coconut and betal nut farm.(12 years age).good location.near to small village.price:15 lac/acre.negotiable.

we are property consultants we charge 2%of the price as our commission.
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
6 acres

Dear Sir,

Please advise clear title, clear boundaries and access road for the property. What is the annual income? I need a purchase loan from bank to be arranged by the seller, so that clear title to assured to the purchaser.


Thomas Tony
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

land details

Dear Sir,

Please advise clear title, clear boundaries and access road for the property. What is the annual income? I need a purchase loan from bank to be arranged by the seller, so that clear title to assured to the purchaser.


Thomas Tony
dear sir,for agriculture lands,banks sanction only nominal loans which can be enough for crop cultivation,that too depending on value of lands in that locality/survey number.if titles are ok,and once the land is registered on your name then we can get loans from banks.or you can pledge the documents with the banker and get loans.regarding this particular land there is no problem in getting that land registered.we can assure you that there is no problem in can call me and clarify any doubts about this land.regarding boundaries,front is a road,back is a river,and both sides there are lands of other farmers.there is good tar sub road from the main road,upto the village, which is only 50 metres from the land.from the village too, there is a good mud road upto the can see the pics.i will send you the pics if you give me your email id.

sreenivas 9901703150
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
