Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Is agriculture really a viable business?


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Viable yes or no

As some of us have indicated, you really have to be interested to work hard physically and have the heart to accept failure.
I recently quit my IT job and took up farming near Mysore.
We have 10 acres and for the last 6 months, all we have been doing is growing different vegetables, flowers and grains to understand what and how it grows.
We have gained huge amounts of knowledge in very short time due to our experiments.
When someone says a profit of 20 lacs in agriculture, you have to understand that to get there, the person has sacrificed some crops, and has had to undergo pain in the beginning. What I can say is you can make money if you understand the finer aspects.
I would strongly encourage any newcomer to try out all the possibilities in small scale before embarking on large scale, that way money put in would be minimum and knowledge gained maximum.
I can proudly say that I do not regret entering farming and we are enjoying a wonderful lifestyle now.
good luck to all.

Nikhil Narayana

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Yah it is a viable business

Though agriculture is a viable business govt is not providing subsides or any monetary benefits to freelancers. I agree with you because in our state (Andhra pradesh) most of the freelancers were depends on monsoons and they do not have any awareness about the government Schemes . If we provide technical/Scientifcal methods and monetary benefits to freelancers(farmers) they will prove himself.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
