I like to start color capsicum cultivation in my 3 acres land in hiriyur is it worth?



Dear all

i have 3 acres of dry land in Hiriyur,Chitradurga dt,Karnataka, the whether is hot,i like to do the capsicum project in my land starts with 1 acre, pls guide me is it worth?

is there feature. and also i am planing to get the bank loan for this project

guide me the details of
1) suitable land
2)is there any particular soil for capsicum
3) water capacity
4) transportation
5) is it suitable for new farmers
6) loan is ok
7)how many acres project we will start in the beginning

waiting for experts and experienced g

Color Capsicum

Dear all
Dear Sir,

We have expertise in setting up poly house projects and one of our project for capsicum in 5280 square meter area setup at Maharshtra state is doing extremely well. If interested please contact 'growtech-pune@hotmail.com' and we can invite you to see the project.


Dilip Deshmukh


New Member
For color capsicum cultivation you may go for poly house. As of my knowledge goes marketing of color capsicum is not upto the mark in india espicially karnataka.
If you are planning for purely export then you can think of going for it. But still considering the cost of production, transportation, export procedure etc.m i dont see it is a vialble business.
Instead you can think of going for rose cultivation (button rose)iin open field. These rose are not grown in chitradurga or davangere district. you can even sell your produce in local market itself. Just a thought.

