Help Me.. it's really difficult



New Member
there are 2 bigha of land in my farm is wastage due to DAAB grass. how to remove this grass. it's root is too deep in the farm. it's really difficult to remove. any 1 have idea about remove that daab portion.

kirti s

New Member
Hello Sir

Digging is effective when other mechanical, physical and chemical methods are found ineffective and uneconomical.
Digging as a weed control method consists in cutting the soil into clods and breaking them to separate the weeds from the soil with their roots or underground parts. Digging though labourious and time consuming is very useful ofr controlling perennial weeds as it removes the underground progagating parts and the deep roots called taroots. It is also effective when other mechanical, physical and chemical methods are found ineffective and uneconomical.



New Member
Digging is not possible as no one knows how long it's root is. it is in many parts in all village. it may be 40-50 foot deep. digging in 2 bigha's is not so economical.
which chemical is useful to spray for cutting it and cultivation some crop.


New Member
Hi, Mundhra! I agree with kirti. i think you should try it. Do you need digging to 50 foot? At the shallower deep without sunlight, I think grass will stop grow. Moreover, you need a large amount of chemical for 2 bigha and 50 foot deep. This method is also not friendly to enviroment.


New Member
there are 2 bigha of land in my farm is wastage due to DAAB grass. how to remove this grass. it's root is too deep in the farm. it's really difficult to remove. any 1 have idea about remove that daab portion.
Dear Friend,
We have an organic weedicide cum herbicide which is capable of removing any weed or daab grass grown on land. for more details contact me on or 09898341199


Nirav Kikani
Aryan Crop Care
