Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

For Sale Graviola plant


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The leaves of the graviola tree have powerful anti-cancer properties coming from
phytochemicals in the plant. The journal "Cancer Letters" published a study looking at
the impact of graviola on pancreatic cancer. Supplementing with graviola stopped cancerous
pancreatic tumor cells from replicating and caused them to die. Researchers suggest this
natural medicine may prevent and treat cancer. The leaves may also be useful for treating
skin cancer when applied topically.
( yes it is available right now even though it is demand to us we are supplying genuine
need person those who suffer cancer and their related sufferings,as per the pictures shown
the plant which can be planted in the earth by normal course or we can grow on house
terrace, just pour two jug of water daily in the evening session and maintain free from
uria, floor if person take just two leaves and grown up stage of tree two leaves and four
inches stem in the shape of juice or soop which is much better to health condition those
who come from above said stage/condition.Price of the plant Rs.5800 further details contact
Ph: 9176859664 )

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
