Free Technique for making organic manure



Get a free quote (INFOatCLOVERORGANIC.COM)for how to create organic manure/ Composting by using microbial technique, which leads to you :

• Increase the fertility of soil with use of manure.
• Increase yield of the crops.
• Conserve the land.
• Conserve the ground water by contamination.
• Decrease the use of chemicals and pesticides.

Hurry Up ! I am ready to receive ample of queries.
FIFO Applicable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks & Regards
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Organic Manure

Can you please share me the details of how to enrich organic manure.




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Thanks for the posting. I want to know more about your techniques for organic manre. please share tyhe same with my email.

I am from tamil Nadu


Get a free quote for how to create organic manure/ Composting by using microbial technique, which leads to you :

• Increase the fertility of soil with use of manure.
• Increase yield of the crops.
• Conserve the land.
• Conserve the ground water by contamination.
• Decrease the use of chemicals and pesticides.

Hurry Up ! I am ready to receive ample of queries.
FIFO Applicable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks & Regards
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New Member
can you pls share the tech.

pls contact....................................
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Senior Member
Can you mail me details

What is your contact number ?

Satla R.K.
RAJAN Enterprises,
44, Satla House ,7th Lane, S.P.Road
First Floor, Mumbai-400008,INDIA
Cell: 99201 20216
Phone: 9122-23076081
E-Mail :


New Member
organic manure preparation


I like to know the organic manure making technique

can you please elaborate

regards and thanks
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We are into manufacturing & marketing organic products in collaboration with BIOSA, Denmark, which offers tangible benefits to the users, you also visit our website
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NatureVel – SW®: Composting agent for Industrial and domestic waste.
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organic manure preparation

Hello All,

It is very simple to prepare organic manure. Search Internet you will find so many ways to make organic manure. search for 'urban leaves' there you will find how to make 'Amrit mitti' using 'Amrit Jal'. Or how to make your soil fertile you can search for 'Zero budget natural farming' where you need to have one desi cow. With one desi cow you can cultivate 30 acres of land. It is very simple and easy.

I think many of us know all these, still want to get the easiest possible techniques. Simply follow one and practice.

This is my opinion.

- Satya Kodali
Sristi Naturals,Hyderabad


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DIFFERENT PRODUCTS FOR COMPOSTING HAPPY GARDENTM: Made for Organic gardens. Can be used for composting garden waste and kitchen waste. Also acts as a very good growth promoter. NatureVelTM – SW : Meant for composting Municipal, Agriculture and Industrial waste.
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COMPOSTING BASICS There are 2 types of compost – aerobic (with air) decomposed compost and fermented anaerobic (without air) compost. Clover excels in using both forms of composting and has created various models for users. Aerobic compost is a little difficult to make as compared to aerobic. You need to be meticulous while making it. It also suffers from smell problems if one is not careful.
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COMPOSTING BASICS - AEROBIC Moisture, Aeration and right mix of biomass are the THREE most important factors. While initial Moisture needs to be about 60%, there is no limit to aeration, the more the better! In order to felicitate maximum aeration, place of composting and addition of bulking agents are important. The mix of biomass needs to be in different combinations for the biomass available: For plant waste it needs to be – at least 30% green waste and rest could be dried waste. If animal waste is available, then ratio of animal to plant waste needs to be – 1:2.
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COMPOSTING BASICS - ANAEROBIC The right Moisture and minimal aeration are the TWO most important factors. While initial Moisture needs to be about 30%, there should not be any air going in. The fermentation procedure might start to putrefy and emit foul odour. Care needs to be taken to ensure that flies do not enter this environment – it would lead to creation of worms!
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The hole is filled with organic matter (weeds, crop harvest waste, grass clippings, kitchen waste or any other green waste) The more fresh the waste, the more effective the results! 5 Caps of ‘Happy Garden’ or ‘NatureVel – SW’ mixed with about 10 liters of water is poured over the organic matter and mixed thoroughly with the help of a stick. You need to ensure that the entire biomass gets rinsed with either of these products. The hole is covered with the help of soil, which was dug out from the hole and stamped hard in order to make it as air tight as possible.
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COMPOST - GROW Each day add kitchen waste along with fallen leaves from your garden, weeds and cut grass. Place the kitchen waste in the centre of the garden waste to avoid flies and mosquitoes from coming. Rinse the waste with ‘Happy Garden’ or ‘NatureVel – SW’ and water. Ratio of water to the products should be about 3 caps per mug of water. This must be done each time fresh waste is added. Ensure initial moisture is about 60% Go on following this process till the cylinder gets filled. Leave the cylinder for 30-35 days for biomass to decompose.
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THE BIO CAP METHOD – METHODOLOGY Step 1: Place the kitchen waste into the nylon net bag daily. Step 2: Cut large pieces of waste into smaller ones before placing inside your Bio-Cap. Step 3: Thoroughly rinse the waste with diluted ‘Happy Garden’ or ‘NatureVel – SW’ (3 caps in a mug of water). Move the waste around with a stick for uniform soaking. Step 4: Close the nylon net bag. Step 5: Replace the lid immediately. Ensure there is no passage of air going inside the Bio-Cap. Also ensure no fly goes inside. Step 6: Take out ‘Liquid Fertilizer’ or ‘Clover Brew’ on a daily basis. Leaving it would lead to foul odour.
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Method of creating compost with simplicity in your garden
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THREE DIMENSIONAL FARMING Household waste has been used to make this simple structure PIT COMPOSTING - Issues Dig a pit of about 2 feet depth, 8 foot length and 4 feet wide. Heap the soil separately. Spray diluted ‘Happy Garden’ or ‘NatureVel – SW’ (5 caps in a bucket) on the soil. Make a layer of garden leaves or weeds and spread it across the pit. Place Kitchen waste in the middle of the biomass and spray diluted products on it thoroughly. Cover it with 2 inch layer of soil. Ensure no part of the kitchen waste gets exposed to air – it would attract flies and consequently there maybe worms in your compost! Repeat the process of spraying the products and covering with soil, each time you place fresh kitchen waste.
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It is extremely important to select the right place for carrying out heap composting. Wrong place could have a detrimental effect on the composting process and/ or the quality of compost. HEAP COMPOSTING – Place selection
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HEAP COMPOSTING – Place selection 1. Wind Direction: Take an idea of the season wind direction from people in that area or assess for yourself. Make your heap perpendicular to the wind direction for maximum aeration. 2. Shade: Look for a place with shade – could be under a tree, shed etc. If nothing available, then create one!! This shall conserve moisture. 3. Logistics: Make it in a place with plenty of room, water and as near the area of application as possible.
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HEAP COMPOSTING – Methodology GROUND PLANT WASTE PLANT WASTE PLANT WASTE SOIL OR ANIMAL WASTE SOIL OR ANIMAL WASTE SOIL OR ANIMAL WASTE Step 1: Dilute NatureVel – SW about 300 times and spray on the ground to enable microbes to work from below. Step 2: Place a layer of plant waste (1 feet thickness) and spray diluted NatureVel – SW Step 3: Place a layer of animal waste (cow or chicken dung) or soil (clay soil preferably) and repeat the process of spraying. Go on repeating Step 2 & 3 till the heap reaches a height of about 3 feet. Step 4: Place cloth or opened out gunny sacks only on top to retain moisture.
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HEAP COMPOSTING – Caution ENSURE that every part of the layer (plant or animal waste) is thoroughly rinsed with NatureVel – SW. Pay special attention to corners. Initial moisture should be at least 60%. Check moisture and temperature at least once a week with the help of a Moisture Meter and a Industrial Thermometer. In case the temperature does not follow the graph, then turn the heap to felicitate better aeration. Include branches of trees, cut tiers, broken pipes etc in between layers to get better aeration. Temperature Time 40-45oC 20-25 days 35-40 days
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Step 1: Making a composting yard is important to ensure there is no contamination to the ground water. If you already have one, then go ahead and follow composting steps. If not, then kindly get in touch with us. Step 2: Follow all the instructions given for making heap compost. Step 3: The lay out of the windrows should be as shown. INDUSTRIAL OR WINDROW COMPOSTING 5 ft 5 ft WIND
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INDUSTRIAL OR WINDROW COMPOSTING Step 4: Multiply NatureVel – SW (1:1:38) as per instructions given on the label. Step 5: Dilute multiplied NatureVel – SW 100 times and spray on the windrows while making layers as per the heap method. Step 6: Number each windrow for identification. Step 7: Check temperature and moisture windrow wise at a distance of about 5 feet. In case of a variance, give that part of the windrow a turn. If faster composting is needed, then carry out continuous turning.
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Thank you
