Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

electronic device to keep bird away from crop


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New Member
A few months ago i had read that an electronic device from holland would be available to keep away birds at a safe distance from crops,does any body know something about this.
Ranjit Panse

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

kirti s

New Member
hello sir
Bird Gard is used worldwide to keep birds out of crops, orchards, vineyards, barns, livestock operations, poultry farms, dairies, fish hatcheries, koi ponds, airports and airfields, marinas, docks, boats, yards, gardens, patios, landfills, composting facilities, transfer stations, power stations, warehouses, industrial plants and buildings.

Install the Bird Gard unit at least two weeks before birds are attracted to your crop. It is much easier to keep birds away before they have found a food source than it is to repel them once they have developed a feeding pattern.

Most birds begin feeding from the perimeter of a crop. Place Bird Gard Super Pro Amp units so the sound protection covers all the way to the edges of the crop.

Birds will often use tall trees for roosting and observation. If birds are in bordering trees it is necessary to position the units so the sound protection covers the trees as well.

Mount the Speakers at least five feet above trees, crops and structures for maximum coverage. Sound will disperse or reflect off structures or foliage. Mount control unit out of direct sun, if possible.

When first installed, run the Bird Gard units at FULL volume and on SHORT time off periods. This ensures maximum “bird stress” and creates a hostile environment.

Watch for changes in bird activity and readjust the location of your Super Pro Amp if needed.

Check the battery and unit settings often to insure continuous bird control. Be certain that the system is not turned OFF or has a dead battery during crucial times.

Periodically change switch settings for the eight sounds (turning them ON or OFF).
NEVER turn OFF the distress calls of the target birds you are trying to repel and always keep at least one predator bird sound turned ON.

If different bird species enter the protected area it may be necessary to replace the Sound Card with one designed for the new invading birds.

Be aware that under extreme drought or other adverse conditions, birds will disregard all deterrents and risks in order to survive.

for more details contact
Bird Gard World Headquarters
Bird Gard, LLC.
270 E. Sun Ranch Drive
P.O. Box 1690
Sisters, OR 97759
Toll Free (U.S. and Canada) 888-332-2328
Local 541-549-0205
Fax 541-549-5286

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
