Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Doubts in kalmegh cultivation....


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New Member
i have planned to cultivate kalmegh in 10 acres in present season on my farm situated at 100 kms from Delhi on Nainital Delhi highway. i m confused about it's exact know-how as different people suggest different practices. Can anyone tell me plz the following.

1. Which planting method is better for getting higher yield and reducing labour....through nursery or direct broadcasting?
2. Exact seed rate for one acre for both methods?
3. Exact time for nursery sowing or broadcasting?
4. In case of nursery method, net size of the nursery bed for one acre?
5. In case of nursery method, how much aged seedlings should be transplanted?
6. Is transplanting done on dry field followed by immediate irrigation?
7. Can seedlings be transplanted just like in rice transplanting in already wet field just to reduce labour and time?

If anybody can clear my confusion for above questions, i will be greatly thankful. I am also looking if anybody is interested in buyback.

Plz help me.

Thank you very much in advance

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

kirti s

New Member
Dear Sir

Kalmegh is cultivated as rainy season (Kharif) crop.
Any soil having good amount of organic matter is suitable for commercial cultivation of this crop.The field should be repeatedly ploughed in May – June and should be bought to a fine tilth. Weeds and stubbles of the previous crop if any should be removed.

It can be propagated either through seeds or cuttings but seeds are preferred. Seeds are small and dormant for about five to six months. They are either sown directly or seedlings are raised in the nursery and then transplanted to the main field. About 2-2.5 kgs seed is required for one hectare area. Mature seeds are viable upto 6 months.

For direct sowing, furrows are opened 30 cm apart. Seeds are covered with a mixture of soil and compost and around 3 – 4 seeds are sown in each spot maintaining a distance of 15 cms between the plant.

sow the seeds in rows on the raised nursery beds of size 3x1.5x1.5m.

Six week old seedlings are ready for transplanting and are planted at a spacing of 30x15 cm or 15x12 cm in the main field. 15x15 cms spacing ensures higher yields. Around 2 lakh seedlings are required to raise one hectare of land. The best season of planting this crop is during the month of June. When the plant puts up maximum growth and gives the highest

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
