Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

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New Member

I want to know the following details:--

1) Cost of good milking machine(bucket type) and company's name.
2) Feeding chart of buffalo. i.e from morning to evening.
3) Milking chart of buffalo.
4) Amount of feed and type of feed to be given to buffalo for good yield and good health. ( please give a chart which gives details like type of nutirent and in how much quantity to be given).


Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

kirti s

New Member
Dear sir,


Buffalo are, like cattle, ruminants. This means that they utilize micro-organisms in the rumen to digest the feed. Feed eaten by ruminants is of vegetable origin. The ruminant is an expert in converting cellulose and other fibrous materials into high quality milk and meat. Their digestive capacity is greater than the non-ruminant. Ruminants “chew the cud”, that is they regurgitate partly digested food to the mouth to chew it again, thus helping to breakdown this plant material.

Feed enters the rumen when swallowed by the animal. The rumen is an anaerobic environment, e.g. no oxygen is present. The feed is exposed to microbes such as bacteria, protozoa and fungi. These microbes attack the feed particles and by enzymatic action the components are broken down and used for their own metabolism, growth and propagation. The feed is masticated, regurgitated and exposed to microbes in the rumen. Large particles will become smaller and eventually be transported to the reticulum and further on. How long a specific feed particle will stay in the rumen depends on size, palatability and the fibre content of the feed. Buffalo have slower rumen movement than cattle, which leads to a slower rate of ingesta outflow. The pH of the rumen content is similar to that of cattle, and it is affected in the same manner. Normal pH is between six and seven, depending on feed and time of feeding.

Feed components can be divided into protein, energy (carbohydrates), fat, minerals and water. The breakdown and utilization of the different feed components are reviewed below.

The waste end products of the microbial attack are methane and carbon dioxide that are eructated. Volatile fatty acids (VFA) of which acetic, propionic and butyric acids are the predominant ones, are together with ammonia, absorbed through the rumen wall and transported via the blood to, for example, the liver and udder where they serve as building material for chemical compounds such as glucose, protein and fat. Most ammonia is utilised directly by the rumen microbes to synthesize proteins.

Ruminants are dependent on the function of the rumen microbes. Therefore, it is important to keep the rumen environment healthy. The easiest and best way is to feed a high amount of good quality roughage and a smaller amount of good quality concentrate.

2.Milking mashine
go go fallowing link.cow milking machine - cow milking machine products manufacturers on


Kirti s

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Hi Mr.Anand Singh

There are many companies selling milking machines
1. Vansun Technologies, Noida
2. DeLaval India, Pune
3. Westfalia Surge, Delhi

Typiclly a two bucket milking machine will cost around Rs.60000 to Rs.70000. A rinsing system may cost Rs.5000 to Rs.20000

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Dear Mr. Singh ,
To familiar more with Buffalo World { Feed + Water + Hygiene + Production + Shed },
Be adopt techno - professional farm schedules under semi-loose system . For more details : Contact __ Dr.Sarkar ,
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


New Member
Dear Dr. Sarkar,

Send me private message with your contact details and service details.

Anand Singh
Please contact..
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Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
