Dairy Farming; myths of Entrepreneurs



New Member
Being in the profession of setting up dairy farms for more than 20 years it is indeed sad to see that the newcomers entering into Dairy Farming have these FUNDAMENTAL myths by virtue of which they start their Dairy farming business but face lot of difficulties ( due to ??? ) which ultimately lead to closures viz.

1. All the information is available on “Maharishi Google” i.e [ : Unfortunately there is hardly any page on Indian dairy farming on Google. This is because more than 99.99% of the Dairy farmers DO NOT use Computers & don’t feel any need to UPLOAD any relevant information on NET.

2. If a farmer (who is illiterate) can do Dairy farming why cant an educated one do the same : However we need to realize that Farming is not done on Computers but on Fields & is neither virtual nor simulated. One cannot visualize the size of an animal by just looking at a Picture.

3. There is no need to take any training/study about Dairy farming : We can never learn to drive a car by reading a book or by sitting next to Driver even though everyone is well averse to basics of Driving. It is equally important to Learn about a business which will cost/ fetch us Millions both in investment as well as Turnover / profits.

4. Dairy Business is similar to running any other business. : We are dealing with Live animals & with TOO many variables by virtue of which Milk Productivity is REDUCED & these factors have to be necessarily learned in detail so as to avoid loss making mistakes.

5. Automization/use of Machinery will optimize the Productivity. : Machines are for our convenience & have no bearing on improving the Productivity of animals. Animal productivity is related to (Balanced) Feeding which is the most important issue & is a daily recurring cost which accounts for more than 85% costs which keep on changing everyday; linked directly with Inflation. The management costs viz. Labour & Administration cost is around 5 - 12 % & treatment expenses are less than 2% of the total costs..

6. Throwing posting & discussions on various agri related sites will give information. : This has to be really seen to be believed.

7. Housing, Climate & Purchasing of good quality animals will ensure a smooth running of the Farm : Crossbred animals are present all across India wherein the temperature ranges from 22- 48 so climatic variation need be ruled out. Purchasing a good animal is not sufficient but proper feeding to ensure optimum production is very vital. Cost of housing, machinery & animals is ONLY ONCE & depreciable.

Majority of the people advising/posting are from Dairy Processing Industry(specialized in conversion of milk into Milk Products) & NOT Dairy Farming which adds confusion in the minds of new comers to dairy Farming. ( First impression is the last impression )

Please see blogs on ; these blogs will certainly give you an absolute practical & realistic picture of Dairy farming as is being done all across India.

Dairy farming is a 3 dimensional subject & not for email discussions or postings.

It would be ideal to discuss the subject in person or on phone.

Dr.Chandrakiran N.Sant
Dairy Advisor
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New Member
dairy farming

my name is praveen and i am very much interested in dairy farming in our land in karnataka and i have a land o about 3acres plz suggest me to sart the dary bussiness and my mail id is , and phone number is
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New Member
Dairy Farming ...

Dear Mr. Praveen,

I did try to send you a PM with my contact details however your inbox is FULL.

You may please call me anytime . No mails please.

Dairy farming is too vast a subject for emails/posts.

You may get my details on Linkedin , google or facebook as well.

You may also see my blogs wherein you can get my conact details.

With regards,

Dr.Chandrakiran N.Sant
Dairy Advisor
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New Member
Intrested in dairy farming

Can u please let me know in detail about dairy farming
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New Member
dairy farming

chandra kant sir
pl send your contact details iam intrested in dairy farming iam from visakhapatnam andhrpradesh,
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New Member

please give your valuable advise for new dairy formation and survival new business and where i am getting good buffello.

Being in the profession of setting up dairy farms for more than 20 years it is indeed sad to see that the newcomers entering into Dairy Farming have these FUNDAMENTAL myths by virtue of which they start their Dairy farming business but face lot of difficulties ( due to ??? ) which ultimately lead to closures viz.

1. All the information is available on “Maharishi Google” i.e [ : Unfortunately there is hardly any page on Indian dairy farming on Google. This is because more than 99.99% of the Dairy farmers DO NOT use Computers & don’t feel any need to UPLOAD any relevant information on NET.

2. If a farmer (who is illiterate) can do Dairy farming why cant an educated one do the same : However we need to realize that Farming is not done on Computers but on Fields & is neither virtual nor simulated. One cannot visualize the size of an animal by just looking at a Picture.

3. There is no need to take any training/study about Dairy farming : We can never learn to drive a car by reading a book or by sitting next to Driver even though everyone is well averse to basics of Driving. It is equally important to Learn about a business which will cost/ fetch us Millions both in investment as well as Turnover / profits.

4. Dairy Business is similar to running any other business. : We are dealing with Live animals & with TOO many variables by virtue of which Milk Productivity is REDUCED & these factors have to be necessarily learned in detail so as to avoid loss making mistakes.

5. Automization/use of Machinery will optimize the Productivity. : Machines are for our convenience & have no bearing on improving the Productivity of animals. Animal productivity is related to (Balanced) Feeding which is the most important issue & is a daily recurring cost which accounts for more than 85% costs which keep on changing everyday; linked directly with Inflation. The management costs viz. Labour & Administration cost is around 5 - 12 % & treatment expenses are less than 2% of the total costs..

6. Throwing posting & discussions on various agri related sites will give information. : This has to be really seen to be believed.

7. Housing, Climate & Purchasing of good quality animals will ensure a smooth running of the Farm : Crossbred animals are present all across India wherein the temperature ranges from 22- 48 so climatic variation need be ruled out. Purchasing a good animal is not sufficient but proper feeding to ensure optimum production is very vital. Cost of housing, machinery & animals is ONLY ONCE & depreciable.

Majority of the people advising/posting are from Dairy Processing Industry(specialized in conversion of milk into Milk Products) & NOT Dairy Farming which adds confusion in the minds of new comers to dairy Farming. ( First impression is the last impression )

Please see blogs on ; these blogs will certainly give you an absolute practical & realistic picture of Dairy farming as is being done all across India.

Dairy farming is a 3 dimensional subject & not for email discussions or postings.

It would be ideal to discuss the subject in person or on phone.

Dr.Chandrakiran N.Sant
Dairy Advisor


New Member
sir i want u r 12 cows plz send me u r contact datils and

Dear Mr. Praveen,

I did try to send you a PM with my contact details however your inbox is FULL.

You may please call me anytime . No mails please.

Dairy farming is too vast a subject for emails/posts.

You may get my details on Linkedin , google or facebook as well.

You may also see my blogs wherein you can get my conact details.

With regards,

Dr.Chandrakiran N.Sant
Dairy Advisor
sir i want u r for 12 cows plz send me u r contact datils and as will as u r quatation


New Member
Dear Dr.Chandrakiran N.Sant,

I would like to set up a dairy farm. Can you please send me your contact details . I need your guidance and help.

Many thanks,
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New Member
Consultancy in dairy farming

We are veterinary professionals located in Bangalore and extending consultancy services in livestock farming and for more information log on
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