Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Chinese Flour Milling Machine Status


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Flour milling machine is an important means of value-added food processing and conversion for the promotion of agriculture, food and rural incomes has added a pivotal position. Therefore, we should make an objective analysis of flour milling machine market environment, seize the historical opportunities, so that is conducive to the healthy development of flour milling machine manufacturing industry in China.

Existing technical grades of wheat flour milling machine mainly divided into high,medium and low levels. According to the national industrial policies and industry development requirements we should focus on the development of high and medium grade technical level and low technical level not supported. However, our flour milling machine manufacturing production mainly in the low grade, and high-tech products currently used to rely heavily on foreign supply.

Chinese flour milling machine can divided into large scale,medium scale ang small scale. Wheat flour milling machine in China manufacturing equipment mainly small and medium scale flour milling machine, and the large flour miling machine is still imported.

So Chinese flour miling machine still needs continuous improvement in technology in order to embark on the road of independent innovation.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
