Question Can anyone tell me how to apply for crop insurance in Andhra Pradesh?



Well-Known Member
Dear sir,

If you are a loanee farmer from any commercial or a cooperative bank , the financial institution will take care of your crop insurance with Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India. Other wise , if you are non-loanee farmer please approach the local agricultural Officer of Department of Agriculture they will guide you how to pay the premium for the existing crop

Please consult us for guidance and inform typesof crop to be taken up on the farm

G.Anandarao B.Sc(Ag)
Retd Agricultural Officer ( Dept of Agril) & Agricultural Banker (Syndicate Bank) &
Also Ex.Lead District Manager
Vijayawada , AP


New Member
It seems now the procedure changed. If your crop is entered in e-crop ,automatically you are eligible for insurance. Approach your village ryru barosa kendram.


Well-Known Member
True, please register E-Crop at Rytu Barosa Kendram in village , then Agriculture Department will take care of the crop insurance
