For Sale 5 Acre Agricultural land Sholingar(56km from Kancheepuram). Fit for Rice,Sugar cane,casurina, etc very good land.
The exact village name is Chettiarpalli(6.5 km from Sholingar town) adjacent main village is Ramapuram(5 km from Sholingar town).
Adjacent to the farm is an lake due to which ground water supply is available abundantly. Fit for Paddy,Casurina Maize,Sun flower etc.
5 Acre land single bit is for sale at Sholingar in Tamil Nadu.
Price is Rs.40 lac(No Bargain) for the 5 Acres. Excellent offer no other land of this size is available for this price.
Interested end buyers can reply no brokers please.
The exact village name is Chettiarpalli(6.5 km from Sholingar town) adjacent main village is Ramapuram(5 km from Sholingar town).
Adjacent to the farm is an lake due to which ground water supply is available abundantly. Fit for Paddy,Casurina Maize,Sun flower etc.
5 Acre land single bit is for sale at Sholingar in Tamil Nadu.
Price is Rs.40 lac(No Bargain) for the 5 Acres. Excellent offer no other land of this size is available for this price.
Interested end buyers can reply no brokers please.