small onion

  1. P

    Onion, potato, ginger, small onion

    Dear All, We can able to supply Onion ( Nasik ) Potato ( Bengal, Agra, Gujarat, Kolar ) Small Onion ( Tamilnadu ) Ginger ( Assam, Karnataka) Quality > Price > Timing Delivery > is Assured for more details :
  2. S

    Any small onion exporters to procure directly from Farmers

    Hi, We are cultivating small in our land now. Any exporters who are ready to buy small onion directly from us ? As everybody knows,because of the export Ban,MEP price - farmers are getting no profit as of now. Anybody knows any good solution, like selling direclty,exporting direclty...
  3. S

    Any small onion exporters to procure directly from Farmers

    Hi, We are cultivating small in our land now. Any exporters who are ready to buy small onion directly from us ? As everybody knows,because of the export Ban,MEP price - farmers are getting no profit as of now. Anybody knows any good solution, like selling direclty,exporting direclty...
