organic manures

  1. E

    sale for good quility organic manur

    The vermi compost is made for the animals dropping on the cemented floor. There is no mixing of any type of the plant residual or sand particle. It is pure organic material propertied the earth warm.
  2. A

    Effect of organic manure, farmyard manures and biofertilizers on potato

    Hello everyone, I need some help for my thesis on organic potato. so if some one can provide me with some references or documentation regarding organic Potato it will be much appreciated. here is the Topic i need help on." Effect of organic manure, farmyard manures and biofertilizers on potato"...
  3. S

    Organic feed supplements and organic manures and fertilizers

    We are lead manufacturer of organic products to cater the needs of Multi segments like Pharma & Food, Animal Health Care and Agro Bio-Technology, Organic solvents and Bio Fuel etc,. We can readily supply total solution for organic agriculture both with crop nutrition & crop protection...
