group farming

  1. K

    Opportunity Co-operative farming in Odisha

    I belong to state of odisha. Working in IT Sector for past 20 years. Like many of my IT friends I was always interested in farming. After intensive study, and going through land availability and opportunities i see that if a group of like minded people invest and work on large scale farming...
  2. P

    Abhinav Farmers Club – grouping farmers and selling the produce collectively to end consumers

    “Farmer owns the land! He has an asset that economically appreciates every day then why he must be looked down? What is the need to commit the suicide? Farmer only needs a farming model that makes his farm self-contained and brings in money every day. With just one acre of farmland it is...
  3. E

    Farming as individual is absolutely not possible.

    Dear Readers, "Mr. Mandar Ratnakar Walawalkar, Member - Abhinav Farmers Club says - Farming as individual is absolutely not possible. The group farming and that too Organic is the future. The farmers must be united and practice the latest technologies. They should stop expecting subsidies...