Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Search results

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    Wanted Wanted oil mill processing soya bean.

    Wanted oil mill processing soya bean. contact us if you want to increase production by increasing yield.
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    Target price is 158$ for wheat bran pellet, 380$ for soybean meal, 150$ for palm kern

    Required exporter of Target price is 158$ for wheat bran pellet, 380$ for soybean meal, 150$ for palm kernel meal, 120$ for tapioca leaves&stem pellet, palm leaves & stem. We can give you the qty and destination once you are willing to supply.
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    Sandal Plant on Sale

    Kindly let me know if any one is interested in purchasing several thousand tons of sandalwodd from Tamilnadu, all licences and paper work available.
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    Interested in farming and looking for lands in Southern India. 50K to 1 Lakh/Acre

    estate in the nilgiris for sale We can offer you2000 acres in the nilgiris [plantation].
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    Cheese factory startup in India

    We can help Hi, we can help you start up a cheese factory here in India, call me or mail me....
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    I am offering Finance for India Agriculture projects.

    willing investment partner required we require a willing investment partner who could assist us with our project which might be financed by a venture capital company here in India. I have asked for an assistance of Rs 18 crores, while they may sanction less. also, i would like to find a partner...
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    Venture Capital for Agriculture/ Food Processing

    venture capital fr food procssing Sir, i have substantial knowledge of Extrusion cooking techniques. I would like to add value to soya beans by retaining the fat both as feed and and as quicker means of extracting high quality oil. Also, Rice bran can be stabilised using this process, I have...
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    1482 acres for sale

    land for sale where is this located, indicate price and utility of the land, thanks.