Search results

  1. D

    cashew nut processing unit

    I would like to put up own small scale cashew nut processing unit (capacity 100 kg per batch) in ratnagiri dist. so please anyone give me detail about marketing of cashew kernel(buyers and wholesellers) and contact on my E-mail
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    mushroom powder & curryleaf powder

    I am Rohit graduate in B.Tech. (food sci.) and i want to start mushroom powder and curry leaf powder plant so anyone intrested to purchase it, if yes then send me your specifications. Please contact........
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    Job Available as a Marketing Manager.....

    job application for market manager To, The Manager, Date: - 19/10/2009 Sub: - Application for marketing manager job. Respected sir, I am Rohit Shantaram Dike I beg to offer myself for job in any departments of your company I have pass...
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    Help me to put up dehydration plant

    Dear sir, I am interested to put up small scale dehydration plant in ratnagiri of fruit and vegetable,juices etc.( investment =10.lakh),please guide me