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  • Fenzgard provides fencing solutions for the farming, wildlife and security sectors.The energizers imported from Germany are safety certified. Horticulture operations with a Fenzgard fence can sustain inter-cropping, which helps to recover the fence cost early.
    Electric fence wires are pre-tensioned, employing load bearing posts at bends and change of contour, which will vary from site to site and so cannot be quoted on a cost per meter basis. Each fence has to be designed site and species specific after survey.
    Innovative techniques for control of powerful animals, safety features and maintenance-free operation make Fenzgard solutions distinct.

    We offer a 10 year warranty on fence hardware and 3 years on the electronics.
    For more details, you can log in to Fenzgard - Home or call us at +91 9442138380.
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