Farmers Certificate...



New Member

My mother have a land in pune; I got her 7/12 copy from Talathi. I bought a small agriculture land.

While registration I attached an affidavit stating I am also farmer as my mother is farmer and have a agriculture land.

Now to transfer 7/12 on my name I am being asked to submit Farmers Certificate. How to apply for a farmers certificate, what is the procedure.

Will my mothers farmers certificate is enough for me to become eligible to buy an agricultural land.

Please help

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kirti s

New Member
Hello sir,
with our present context to say you are a farmer you need to have land registered in your name so better transfer your mother farm land to your name and submit the documents to thashildar who will give certificate, even village accountant is authorized to give farmer certificate by looking your field. but you cant use your mother certificate

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New Member
Hello sir,
with our present context to say you are a farmer you need to have land registered in your name so better transfer your mother farm land to your name and submit the documents to thashildar who will give certificate, even village accountant is authorized to give farmer certificate by looking your field. but you cant use your mother certificate
Thank you for your reply. Actually I was told that I can buy a agricultural land if I have a 7/12 on my mothers name (if my mother have farmers status; it is naturally applied to me also)

Transferring my farm from my mothers name to my name will not be a easy task; because of family issues.

Please suggest.

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New Member
where are u buying agricultural land. If you are buying land outside of Pune locality, u need to submit farmer certificate. You may approach Tehsil of the Miother's land region and make an application for Farmer certificate. Alongwith this application, you need to submit 7/12 and 8 "A" signed by Talathi. You may use mother's farmer certificate to buy a land.

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New Member
I want farmer certificate to buy land in maharashtra...any body from rajashthan property dealer can guide me,,I dont want to invest in land...ready to spend 10000/-
rupees..can call me0 9969972358 saeed from mumbai..may ready to visit rajashthan state for property

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