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Dr. Pranoy Ray on “Agricultural entrepreneurship opportunities for youth”

Dr. Pranoy Ray is a MANAGE Fellow at Center of Agricultural Extension Innovations, Reforms and Agripreneurship, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) in  Hyderabad, Telangana, 

 Dr. Pranoy Ray says, “Youth being enthusiastic, innovative and dynamic is the most potent force of the population. The agripreneurship development focuses on creating an exciting breed of farmers with key business skills undertaking farm based businesses for enhancing their income. Although many young farmers have taken up agriculture and evolving farm innovations, they lack agripreneurial skills. The young people who find agriculture as outdated, unprofitable and laborious, are more oriented towards agripreneurship as it is dynamic offering multitude of opportunities across the entire agribusiness value chain. Sufficient resources must be invested on not only technical skill training but also on skills like perseverance, leadership, networking, agri-logistic management and business planning. Youth must be encouraged, trained and supported for innovative farming and associated ventures to supplement their income. Successful agripreneurs can have resonating impact upon other youth in their locality”.

Meeting was held on: June 13, 2022 5:00 pm
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