Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

red soil land

  1. C

    52 acres red soil land for sale in virudhunagar district,tamilnadu

    Red soil land ,52 acres for sale in trichuli,virudhunagar district with 2 bore and 2 open well.Price Rs.3,50,000 per acre .Land will be given as whole as 52 acres.If interested please call-9543455978 or
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    52 acres red soil land for sale in virudhunagar district,tamilnadu

    Red soil land ,52 acres for sale in trichuli,virudhunagar district with 2 bore and 2 open well.Price Rs.3,50,000 per acre .Land will be given as whole as 52 acres.If interested please call-9543455978 or