lemon plant

  1. H

    Lemon Grass cultivation in india

    Lemon grass is widely used as an herb in Asian (particularly Hmong, Khmer, Thai, Lao, Philippines, Sri Lankan, and Vietnamese) and Caribbean cooking. The stalk itself is too hard to be eating, except for the soft inner part. However, it can be finely sliced and added to recipes. It may also...
  2. H

    Lemon Grasss for sale in bulk order now

    Lemon grass is widely used as an herb in Asian (particularly Hmong, Khmer, Thai, Lao, Philippines, Sri Lankan, and Vietnamese) and Caribbean cooking. The stalk itself is too hard to be eating, except for the soft inner part. However, it can be finely sliced and added to recipes. It may also...
  3. S

    Lemon Plant needed.

    Hello, I am planing to cultivate Lemon in my 4 hec. farm. I am looking for suitable variety of Lemon plant. My farm is located close to Nepal India border (near Gorakhpur). Please advise me what variety of lemon plant suitable in that region for maximum production per plant. Also please...
