fruits for sale

  1. S

    Amla (Gooseberry) and Chikku (Sappota) for sale from Vellore District, Tamilnadu

    Hello, I have Amla (quantity of 50 KG to 2 tons) available for sale. It's not yet harvested and still on the tress freshly. If anyone is interested to buy, Please contact me at this address I am willing to sell in parts or wholesale. I will sell it for very...
  2. S

    fruits and vegtables for sale

    hi we have all kind of fruits and vegtables in whole sale contact info name : karthik mobile: 09986462162,09791447624,08925433560 whattsup: 9791447624 mail:,
  3. S

    water melons for sale export quality (pahuja variety)

    hi i have very good quality water melons(pahuja variety) which has long shelf life export quality we grow our melons on plastic mulching sheets with drip irrigation using all the latest scientific farm technics , i have huge quanity can supply on regular basic this is from my own farm near...