Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

atul kalaskar

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    Starting a germination room for large Hydroponic farm.

    Hi Everyone, Lot of you must be wondering where I have been or like most cases have I burnt myself up trying to chase a dream. Thankfully I am still around and very much chasing the same dream, Commercial Hydroponics in India. On the verge of setting up a large project for Color Capsicum...
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    Fresh Strawberry From Mahabaleshwar..

    Hi there, If you are a wholesale buyer/ distributor/Exporter of Fresh Strawberry then here is the good news. We have pooled 150 growers from Mahabaleshwar who will sell only Class 1 Strawberry. We will provide season long fixed price. All our Strawberries are for fresh consumption only so if...