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  1. V

    Dairy Farm Equipment

    Hello, I would like to know the price of following equipment required for my dairy farm 1. Milking can system. I am planning to start dairy with 50 buffaloes and want a milking system to reduce labor. Please let me know the price of a system from a good vendor. Also, suggest if bucket milking...
  2. V

    Dairy farming near Hyderabad

    Hi Padmanaban, Thanks for your reply. i'm surprised at the statistics that you provided. I see that Mehsana and Banni (both from Gujarat) seem to produce more milk than Murrah. Wherever I see, everyone mentions that Murrah is the high yielding animals. Is this true that Mehsana and Banni yield...
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    Dairy farming near Hyderabad

    Hi Ramesh, Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to know more details on the subsidies. Is there limit on how many animals will be subsidized? Someone else told me the following Murrah Buffalo's milk capacity is more than 25 Litre a day but it would cost over one lac rupees. Where...
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    Dairy farming near Hyderabad

    Hello, I am planning to start a dairy farm with 50 animals near Hyderabad. I am debating very hard on whether to go with cows or buffaloes. My parents do not want cows since many farmers in our area brought cows from punjab, Haryana for high prices and incurred huge loss. I have few question...