Search results

  1. S

    Sale of kinoo and mausambi

    I have farm of Kinoo and Mausambi plants at my farm in Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan. During Sep to Dec the fruits are ready to sale. If some party or juice maker company is interested can contact me by e-mail. There is more than 1000 plants at my farm.
  2. S

    Sale of sirohi goats

    SADIQ GOAT FARM in Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan wants to sell Sirohi Bucks, Does and kids on reasonable rates. If any one is interested please contact me by e-mail or private message.
  3. S

    Poly house

    I have a Poly House of 10000 sq ft in Rajasthan and it is 4 years old but look like new with Fogger and Drip system. If any one is interested to buy as it is, please contact me by e-mail or private message. My e-mail nr is
  4. S

    Sale of poly house

    I have a Poly House, saw tooth patter of 10000 sq ft in Rajasthan. It is 4th year going on and I want to sell it. If any one is really interested to buy please contact me by PM or e-mail. Thanks and regards.
  5. S

    Sale of poly house

    I want to sale my Poly House of 10000 sq ft completing 3 years and looks like new in Rajasthan. It is a Saw Tooth pattern and interested person/company may contact me by PM please.
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    Sale of capsicum

    I have capsicum in three colours produced in Green Houses for sale. Interested parties can contact me on my PM.
  7. S

    Saffron Seeds

    Anyone can intimate me the supplier's address of Pure Kashmiri Saffron Seeds in India, Iran and Spain on my Private Message.