Search results

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    Can Quinoa cultivation possible in black cotton Soil ?

    Can Quinoa cultivation possible in black cotton Soil ?
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    want aeroponics consulting service

    Hello I want aeroponics consulting service at best price and I am looking to build aerophonics chambers at very reasonable price.
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    Want fishery feed making machine

    I want to purchase fishery(fish & prawn) feed making equipment. It may be sinking or non sinking one.
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    want advise about the farm I should grow

    hello My friend has 1 acre land and he can not farm paddy as it will be not returns for him. Do any one can suggest any best crop so that I can get good returns . My expectation is 50000 to 1 lakh in that acre. Is it possible ?
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    which crop i should grow ?

    hello My friend has 1 acre land and he can not farm paddy as it will be not returns for him. Do any one can suggest any best crop so that I can get good returns . My expectation is 50000 to 1 lakh in that acre. Is it possible ?
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    looking for hybrid coconut plants

    I am looking to plant coconut plant in our farms. I want hybrid coconut plants which should come to yield asap.
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    Wanted Want azolla seeds

    Hello I am from andhra pradesh, vijayawada. I want to purchase AZOLLA SEEDS for cultivation. I would appreciate if someone could even help in finding sellers. sellers can contact me at thanks in advance