Pulpwood Project - Kanchipuram & Tirvallur Dist & Andhra Dist within 150 kms from che



Senior Member
Hi All,

We provide full consultancy for pulpwood project of Casurina MTP1 clone variety with complete buy back gurantee post 36 months harvest.

We cover Kanchipuram, trivalluvar Districts and also portion of Andhra which are within 150 kms from chennai.

If you have minimum of 5 acres and above within kanchipuram & tiruvallur dist.
Ready to spend just Rs.10,000 per acre.
Preferrably land with some water source for better yeild.

Your land is not left ideal and in a average will fetch about 30,000 per acre per year.
No theft issues. (minimal)
Acts as also a safe guarding your property.
No labour issues (the biggest issue), you don't need labour to take care of the property.
No harvesting or marketing issue, (we take care of the same).

We will give 100% buy back gurantee

Intersted can contact antonypratap.e@gmail.com

Currently we require 1500 acres to be covered every year.

Also if anyone has trees which are more than 3 yrs old with good grith we are ready to purchase any quantity, we will take care of the harvest and pay you by per/kg of wood. Current requirement is 30,000 tons.

We also do rain-fed regular seedlings Casurina as well.



Senior Member
Hi All,

It is appreciated that many wants to convert their unused land toward our pulpwood project, however we do take up these projects only above 5 acres due to various economical and other reasons, however we will surely give guidance for those who are less than 5 acres, since many of you with 1 & 2 acres have contacted us, we will help getting you the seedlings or the clones and give the plantation methods.

+91 99620 11278 (after 12:pm please)
