Foodservice in Sweden to 2012



Well-Known Member
Foodservice in Sweden to 2012

This databook is a detailed information resource covering the foodservice market in Sweden between 2004 and 2012. It provides insightful views about sales, transactions, cost per transaction and number of outlets by channel, giving comparisons between profit and cost channels.


*Analyzes profit foodservice channels such as cafes, hotels and pubs, and cost channels covering workplace, education, hospitals and welfare
*Contains data on four main channel areas: sales, transactions, cost per transaction and number of outlets by channel


The Swedish foodservice industry grew at a CAGR of 4.1% between 2004 and 2008.

In 2008, the leading profit foodservice area was the restaurants (FSR and QSR) channel, while the workplace (industrial, retail, financial & office-based and others) channel led the cost sector.

Reasons to Purchase

*Achieve a better understanding of the makeup of the foodservice market
*Gain insight into the future direction of the market, with reliable historical and forecast data

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Foodservice in Sweden to 2012
