Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)


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Soil water analysis device

Soil and water analysis is first step for scientific and high technology intensive agriculture. The nutrient management and land improvement is done on the basis of analysis report. The govt laboratories take a lot of time to give the report. The farmers use the input as per recommendation of Agri-input seller. The sellers are concentrated on their own profit. The wrong recommendation cut the pocket of the grower it also put an adverse impact of the production. To be successful grower must be aware about the water and soil analysis of their land just like the blood group of an individual.

We can supply you a handy soil and water testing kit. Which can be easily handled by a normal farmer, it is easy to use. There is simple colour indication about nutrient availability in your soil. You can easily measure the pH of sample and all the necessary nutrients and parametres at the spot. Please send a private message.

Please send me your complete query with the contact details.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Organic Farm Input

If you thing that the organic farm iputs are good for your helath then contact us . We can supply you organic farm input at a very competative rate. like vermi compost, neem manure, neme cake, neem oil, trichodrama compost.Please Contact us for by private message ..The main part of organic agriculture is farm input . If farm inputs are not organic then can create a problem and if the pest is not managed they will make a huge loss.. So make your own input and be happy grow healthy and Eat healthy.... Please send me your complete query to my mail id with contact details

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Neem Cake Powder

We can supply neem cake powder in bulk quantity. We produce good quality neem cake and neem oil and neem cake powder. Please contact us with required quantity and the packing size. send us the private message to our private box. We have material in ready stock.

Please send me your complete query to my mail id with contact details

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Spices are availabel

Good quality of spices are available for bulk order Coriender, Cumin, fennal, fennugrik, Kalonji, Yellow mustard, chilly.

Please send me your complete query to my mail id with contact details

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Neem Oil Available

We can provide you the neem oil at a very good price. It is good fro the insect pest management for the crop. there is not any side effect on the crop . it is biodegradable. The application shows very good result in standing crop. Please send me your query with complete contact information.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)

Bio pesticides and bio fertilizers

Please contact us for bio fertilizers and pesticides.... We can supply you both the products in in good quantity . These are good fro organic agriculture.We can supply you neem oil, We can supply you organic compost..

Please send a mail with complete query and complete contact information.

Business Opportunities in Agriculture: 150 Field Interviews (Book)
